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Psy Trance culture is more than music and decoration. Rather, it consists of a multitude of different aspects, one of which is hemp culture. The therapeutic properties of the hemp plant have been known since ancient times.

Thus they are an increasingly important part of modern alternative medicine. Also its status as a natural resource, providing organic fabrics, is a very interesting aspect for the Trance scene and its fashion. For these reasons, mushroom magazine is present at international hemp fairs and gatherings, two of which are just being held. One the hand, there is Cultiva in Vienna where we will have a stand and will distribute 5.000 extra copies with some nice little gimmicks.

Also, we will take part at Cannafest in Prague, where the hemp culture is blooming at the moment. The following pages are dedicated to the hemp culture in particular and plant cultivation in general.

Being held under a glass pyramid close to Vienna, Cultiva reminds a huge greenhouse. In order to represent the Trance scene in a deceech Republic due to a very progressive new drug policy. Accordingly, this international fair will be very important, as well. Keep your eyes open for the mushrooms scurrying around in the middle of the exciting hustle and bustle!

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