Here’s some green-happy news; the first ever legal marijuana plant in Jamaica was pushed with great ceremony into the fertile grounds of the campus of the University of the West Indies Mona. This step was actualized due to the recently introduced Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act of 2015, and it marks the country’s entry into research & development activities for medical marijuana.
Although medical marijuana is yet to be legalized in the country, this event is a milestone, and as the negative attitudes towards the plant disintegrate, it should not be too long before marijuana is accepted as a healing herb.
Justice Minister Mark Golding, stated, “Now that they can actually cultivate for research purposes, we can expect that the outcomes of the endeavours will be more profound, and with the economic opportunities that this will bring, we see this as part of what, I hope, will be a transformational industry for Jamaica.” Yep, we’re hoping for best as well!