Leigh Griffiths from the UK is a true pioneer of Psy Trance. Already during the early 90ies he actively shaped the sound of the scene with his productions, often together with his producer colleague Mass. Recently a collection of tracks from ’97 and ’98 has been released on the netlabel Ektoplazm: ‘Extra Celestial Transmission – The Remasters’ brings back the oldschool sound in up-to-date quality. Under his moniker ECT, Electro Convulsion Therapy, Leigh is now back on track with Parvarti Records.
A double dose of producer talent: Jochen ‘Con-X-ion’ from Berlin teamed up with Swedish producer Oil. Together they are Ectogasmics, and their first tracks already gained amazing feedback from the scene. Definitely a name to watch out for during the next festival season!
Damaru Records from Hamburg keeps firing: Just after they launched the second album by Alpha and Antagon as –Z-, they now present their second compilation named ‘The Voyager’. Besides local talents like Kastaka and Antagon it also comes with international talents like Claw from Greece or Mark Day from England. A consequent release policy and another great leap forward!
Attoya are the Isreali brothers Alex and Leonid Burshtein. After two years they present their second album on Sonic Chakras. ‘Wooden Beatz’ consequently continues where the last release had stopped. Atmospheres from the deep forests, mystic experiences, and deep, driving bass lines characterize this CD.
It became a little quiet around the Scandinavian labels Yggdrasil Records and Sanaton Records. So great to hear that both of them are back on track! Well known for their extreme music and high quality, they surely will deliver the goods!
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Auf dem Netlabel Ektoplazm ist derzeit eine Sammlung von ECT Stücken der späten 90er zu haben: „Extra Celestial Transmission – The Remasters’ Außerdem meldet sich der englische Psy Trance Pioneer auf Parvati zurück *** Con-X-ion und Oil schließen sich zu Ectogasmics zusammen, definitiv ein Highlight der nächsten Festivalsaison *** Parvati präsentiert Teil 2 der BrainZcrew Compilation, zusammengestellt von Ilse, sowie ein neues Adrahadabra Album *** Damaru Records aus Hamburg geht mit der Compilation „The Voyager’ an den Start *** Attoya präsentieren auf ihrem zweiten Album tiefe Wald-Atmosphären, mystische Erfahrungen und deepe, treibende Basslines *** Die skandinavischen Labels Yggdrasil und Sanaton melden sich zurück – extremer Sound in hoher Qualität!