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Etic, vielen von euch auch wegen seines Labels Digital Nature Records bekannt, schaltet diesen Sommer in den 3D Mode um. Unter diesem Projektnamen macht er neuerdings nämlich mit Sonic Sense gemeinsame Sache. So zu hören auf einer ersten EP, die im Mai erschienen ist: Hochprozentiger auf-die-12 Progressive Sound mit etwa 138 Einschlägen pro Minute, absolut Spitzenzeit-taugliches Material. Sein Label ist aktiv wie eh und je, gerade erst kam das 5. Aerospace Album auf CD heraus, außerdem ein weiterer Silberling, auf dem eine Compilation von Sonic Sense gebannt ist. In den letzten Wochen und Monaten kamen auf Digital Nature Records EPs von u.a. Quantanoize, D Twin, 3D Mode an Lupin, Human Reaction und Monolock raus.

Digital-Nature-RecordsThe label owner of Digital Nature Records told us about some hot newcomers to watch out for this winter, about his musical projects and about forthcoming releases.

What are you up to this winter?

I have upcoming shows in Europe.

And studio-wise?

I will present my new collaboration project: 3D Mode,. It’s a strong and fat Progressive sound at 138 BPM, and it’s already tested successfully on different stages worldwide. The 3D Mode debut EP, Re:Bounce, was just released in May 2014 . I also have some eticbrand new Etic tracks and a Remix to Atomos which will be release in November.

You are the owner of Digital Nature Records – Please tell us about an exciting newcomer artist this summer, and why he is exciting!

I must say there’s more than only one! I am super excited about the new sound from Shanko, and 3D Mode. It’s a fresh, smashing and unique sound that’s just like nothing else out there, and I love to play it and to see the dance floor reactions.

What else is going on at your label, Digital Nature?

Digital Nature is busy as never before, I’m happy to say so. We just released a few good digital EPs by Quantanoize, D Twin, 3D Mode and Lupin, and new ones from Aerospace and Etic coming very soon! In 2015 We plan to make Digital Nature Festival which will push the label artists and name forward.

[su_soundcloud  title=”Etic” url=”” info1=””]

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