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Utopia LogoThe company offers camping solutions for people attending festivals all over Europe. “During 15 years of festivals I have seen people including myself carrying tons of camping gear. I thought there must be a way to make life easier for all”, says Alon, Founder and CEO of Utopia Camping,a Berlin resident for the last 2 years.So he started Utopia Camping, and within a couple of years,his idea turned into an experienced professional team. “Rent it online, get it on site” that’s our motto” explains Alon. “You can pre-order all the camping gear you need via our website and we shall deliver it to you onsite”.In their shop you can find a wide range of camping equipment which can be either bought or rented. “Our aim is to reduce the environmental footprint festivals do,by using maintained second hand gear,one carrier for a large number of people,and more…”utopia logo


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