Up for a change ? France is bowling and it is time that we realize we can be the change we want to see in this world. This country is going through a real awakening whether it is in event organization, artistically or politically. At least one party if not more is being held every week in a natural and/or an unusual location… bars are being besieged creating a real « Before » culture.
There have been parties organized by Gaia Concept, on Sunday, driving more than a thousand people. There are new festivals being created. Unfortunately, this year, will be Hadra’s last festival in the beautiful mountains of Lans En Vercors. There has been a femine touch blowing over the movement. More women organizing parties, artists name figuring often on the line up, being lives or DJ’s. Social causes are being defended and money collected to help out different humanitarian organisations. Artistically, some old comers are making a true come back, creating new labels, production studios and organizing parties. Dj’s are playing for three hours in a row and are getting ready to play for more. The « new school » with its new and fabulous energy is creating a new mainstream, sharing and respecting the old ideologies. Parties have been coordinated between the old and new school and had extremely strong and positive results. Bounderies outside the mouvement are being broken and the public is accepting the psytrance culture and making space for it to grow. Mixture of genders at parties is often heard. Electro, progressive, house, dark psytrance are often played in the same night. People from the « Free » mouvement are joining in. The population is getting tired of the politics that cannot hold up to their promises and in despise are letting the extreme right take advantage of the situation. The politics have tried to go against the entertainment workers and bring out a new regime for this particular statue, trying to make the hard situation of working in the entertainment field even harder. Anywhere, they could find a solution to the large economic hole has been taken into consideration. instead of finding new solutions, outside their boundaries and usual thoughts and patterns. In periods of crisis, there is an openness for a new vision offering changes and ideologies by the masses. This is also the time when the best artists are being discovered and a real creative movement can emerge. There are rumors that this is on the way… The worldwide manifestation for the legalisation of Marijuana has had some extremely positive feedback in France. This could be a pacifist solution to France’s economic burden and gang fighting. It is up to each one of us to take the responsibility to realize we are part of a whole and that we all need each other to make the switch as confortable as possible. That everyone ideas, opinion and thoughts have to be listened to. This is no time for ego, competition or domination, there is no better or worst, we are all in it together. They are just differences but those differences are actually advantages. They are what make us human. Ideas can come from the Music, the legalization of Marijuana, from the auto-sufficient villages… All ideas are good. We are artists of our destiny, of our life and to a greater degree of our community and civilization. It is up to us to decide how we want to design it and what legacy we want to give to the new generation and to the children. Our world is a beautiful place and we do need to take care of it.
French Editor for the Psy traveller Magazine
Main artist:
Talamasca on facebook
More artist:
Here are some of the producers: Hiligh Tribe, Total Eclipse, Hyperfrequencies, UASCA, Klement, Franck Kick Bong/Triptone, Organic Waves, The Aquarians, Toires, Oudja Psychotrop, Gagarin Project, Deedrah Dhira, Secret Vibes, Dirty Vader, Lipo Cat, Astrogen, Oniryx Mat, Secretpocket Psydom, Bamboo Forest, Davidshanti Terraformer, Tikal, Absolum, Blue Planet Corporation, CSX, Digital Talk, D Root, Illegal Machines, Jaia, Khetzal, Life Extension, Lunarave, Neuromotor, Asura, Hol Baumann, H.U.V.A Network, Laurent Chanal, Plasmotek, The Spectre, Akxess, Mox (Total Eclipse&Ecosphere), Ecosphere, Digital Mystery Tour, Stenman (Life Extension & Akxess & Mighty Pills), Sub Impakt, Oliv (Life extension & mighty pills), Vortex (Mox & Ecosphere), Zarro, Moai Project, Saw Deep, Kipi Vibration, Sysyphe, B Brain, Cubic Spline, Tweakers, Itchy & Scratchy, Sleeping Forest, Curious Detail, The Spacebar, Dystres, Odd Wave, Dirawonga, Digidep, Sine Die, Lovpact (Luna rave&Sleeping Forest), Yurika, Principle of Flight, P.A.I.N, LovePact, Arketype, Occy, Jaws Underground, Micro-scan, Hishiryo, Mesmerizer, Shagma, LMX, Bio-Tonic, Sky Fiction, Phatmatix, Plasmotek, Gnaia, Dystres, Revolted, Polaris, C.S.X, MOX, Synthetic Chaos, The Antidote, Voyager, Concept, Nasha BPM Girl, Telekinetic, Hishyryo, Akshan, Silicon Sound, Toxic Engine, Nomad, Biokinetix, Crystal Phoenix, XSI, Phonic Request, Illegalmachines, Psyquest, Datakult, Sychovibes, Tryskel, Twisted Kala, Spectratribes, Blue Planet Corporation, Transwave, Mind Portal, Juke Band Musics, Nadia ZIC, Noisecolor, Meerkut, Fafazz, Akkma, Bat, Arnohm, Auric, Tytane, Funny Fungi Huagengue, D-Sens/LunaSpice, Mat & Matik, Lost & Found, El-xir, Cubic Spline, Tweakers, Itchy & Scratchy, Lakay, Deeper in Zen, Sensitive Seeds, Oxilite, The Nickelcat, InnerShade, Koalan Projectn Otyst, Acidmetrixx, Naure Said, Ivort, Oddwave, Groove Inspektorz, Shred’er, Spectraltribes, Psyside, Beatrave, Noise cycle, Hyades, Mindcraft, Huicholity, Gushka, Dum, Dedale & Hekula, Midipile, Koag atao, Urban Fury, Ptitom BSG, Argaleth, PsySrek Onyrix Max, Mula, Elepho, Furansujin,Hybrid Reality, Ajna, Toï Doï, Nibana, Annunakey Aka Kustom, Hypnos, Ze Looters, Malice in Wonderland, Pirated Machines, Mons, HP, Soyouth, Lux, Sensitive Seeds and Sanjai zygomatik.
You can also hear the mix of some Dj’s:
Greg Mandala, Sayko Yan, Gef Tekkinox, Deejay H3rtz, Yuka Tarara, Djane Sydney, Transkalibure, Psylom Quaker, Loic, Sangohan aka Tilt, Pascale Riquez, Lotus, Son of Dasong, Organic Waves, Miss Tick,Khetza, Jelly Heads, Greg-Innner-G, Elf, Dino Drenan, TeeFM, Otezuka, Freeda Musique, Cok Lee Co, Ganesh, Papaya Titeuf, Phil Better, Ilhem Decibulle, Steven WorldPeople, Syndrom Pain, Tho Mastamoppa,LePetit, Kokmok, Pat Le Pirate, Eran TudoB’Ohm, Marine Yumen, Wilfried Eklektic, Cedrik Toktik, Greg Vega, Maka Powa, Max Le Sale Gosse, Opale, Mahiane, Dizkal, Fred’x, Soulgroove, Natural Ethik, Julio, Vortex, Elyna Banzaï, Yamaga, Joh Dah, DJ Engel, Efficient Energy, Vera Icona, Lady Arwen, Ayaska, Manu, Elyxir, Driss, Atomik,El Tofy, Mini Steph,Shikissen, Psy PiWy, Astral Dancer, Dj Two.P, Little Pumkin, T-Krysto, Tekn, Peace Warrior, Raj Sasha, Mouchkitek, Psylau Lo, Wistiti, Anakis, Thalys, D.Rec, TiwaD, ChicoMoreno, Metronohm, ADN Smith, Umaguma, Xam, El Nano, Yayo, Alex.O, Psyonik Wave, Psy K Bal, Meditate Shiva, Ashram, Alka X, Beatrunken, Brainwasher, The Blackship, DJ Rem, Ragdam, Djane Lasquaw, Two Me, Idyl, Rizbo, Zephyr , Vince, Reno Cerax, Ottokar, Hemei, Le Batteleur, Redox, Galactichaos, Sayani, Raem, Drumstick, Fighting Shadows, Jem.b, Zephir, Silver, Land Switcher, Yoga, Solaris, Veheme, Anakis, Knu Athuraya Spiritual, Miss Tekix, Psynap’s Art Concept, El Tofy, Toltek, Psykelo, Thambi, Romusminus, Acidophilius, Mouchkitek, Gamin, Psykopat, Electromano, Nico Pluto, Rool, Roobix, Momo, Raskass, Dee Djo,Trance Kriya, Aglescka, Damien, Sismo-Lunarmouth, Dharma, Alex Logickarma, Anokha, Chat, Aurion, Gnh, Djaftersound, Adrian Fontaine, Hemel, Juria, Link, Nuform, Psyritual, Ptit Greg, Raf Fender, Rose 2.0, Sheliak, Tekn, The Wa, Tudob’Obhm, Two me, White Spoon, Zorglub, Vegan Cake, S. Copolamine, Zenetic, Nickelcat, Dlb, Bretzel, Namaska, Fanfara Electronica, Jôh, Bilbass, Ranci, Ewake, Vo-tan, Froggy-Touch, Arakno, Pi-R, Marcus, Yona, Animistic Vision, Karma, Synaptik, Synaptik, Manu, Damoushka, Annuakey aka Kustom, Nikosh, Diskal, Mizoo, Professor M, Axis & Coeur,
There are also some artists that are both Producer & DJ :
Tajmahal, Alphatrance, Aes Dana, Cyrhill, Madame James, Senix Shehoor, Braindriver, Jim Phenotype, Shotu, Nuclear Nymph, Chirurgical Waveforms, Yan Synthetik-Chaos, Squazoid, Laurent Mayer, Shalys, Atyss and Outer Signal.
The Vjays and laser show are also an important part of the artist scene and you can find such name :
as Le neurone unique, Bocal F, Neoteroiscreen, VJ Blast, VJ Apu, Tzolk’in, Ehereal Decibel, Otakai, Echovisuelle, VJ Milie Volt, VJ Sarha Smile, Homeostasys, Ikar, Kwisatz, T-Vision, Yog, Sonic Vision, Homeostasys, VJ Gzohm and Anurag Groove Connection.
Lazer Show: Starlazevents and jérôme (DDP).
Fire show : Lawrence, Jugle in Tempo and Dragon Tribe.
The most important Psytrance related label:
Electrik Dream Music Label (Digital) electrikdream.org
Hadra (Analog)hadra.net
More labels:
Ultimae records, Mandala records, Bus Records, MadMuzik records, Sonic Motion Records, G force Prod, Neurotype Records, World People Records, Morphonic Records, Tesseractstudio, Limonade Records,Natural Beat Makerz, Mahogany Records and Trancemigration Productions and Nataraja Music Record.
Deco artist
Name the most creative deco artist:
Psyritual Illusion – Spiritual Rebirth
Psyritual Illusion on facebook
More deco artists:
Organik Garden, Artistes Associés, Les Lucioles, Art Manif, Cosmo Vision, The Mad Studio, Decoteam Trianglerie, MCArt, Les Psylopatts, Psyritual Déco, Nikolapin, Dragon Tribe, Tof Substances, Rêves Ephémères, Cropnambule, L’oeil Magique, Krispies Company, Dream & Fly, Psygana Invasion, Conectiv Team, Live Love Create, UFO Colours, Art Vision, Project Moon, Zygomatik, Psyké Délice Production, Alchimie d’Origine Contrôlée, Terratone Vision and Psygana Invasion.
Party and Festival
The most important Party and Festival:
Gaia Concept on gaiaconcept.com
Mandala Records (Parties) mandalarecords.org
World Trance Festival (Festival) World Trance Festival on facebook
More parties
A very bad and dreadful spirit has put a hand on the two most famous festivals in France: The Hadra and the World People. After many attempts in finding a new venue, sadly, Hadra has announced that they will not be holding their annual festival but that it might be holding “something” in September. Let us wait for the surprise. Therefor, due to the great line-up with artists such as Atmos, Highlight Tribe, Malice in Wonderland, Astrix Vs Pixel, Ital, Talamasca, Spongle, Tristan, Zentura… just to name a few…The Tantra Music Festival is the festival to go to this year. Other festivals : Festival Les Nuits Trance ,Feeling club Lyon/Caluire (69)Amne’zik Festival, Circuit du Luc en Provence (83) World Trance Festival, Cap (81)La Buena Onda/Positive Music Privas (07000), Tantra Music Festival, South of FranceTotemystiK, South of France Check out parties also from these different organizers: TBE, Mandala records, World People, Ambiosonic, Tantka, BBF, Body & Mind, Opsygen, Ozhom, Trance Mission, Morning Vibrations, Butterfly families,Trance in France, Apéro Trance Marseille, Dream & Fly, Les Rythmes Actuels, Transubtil, Communauté Trance à Toulouse, Cortical Systèmatics Crew, Vortex Nightmare, Oreades, Art France Prod, Asso Trance Fuzion, Oobe, Asso, Appylipsy, Mental Trance Fuzion, Trance Projection, StereOrganicEpidemic Trance Corp, Wisdom Asso, Asso Auroboa, Natural Brek, Makerz, Psynap’s Art Concept, Mystic Chrystalide, Atomes, Funky Freaks Family, Nataraja Association, Suraja project, Epsylonn/Oktone, Ttool’korp Records, Neurotype Records, Open XpressioN, Krispies Company, Association ADN, Circle Crew, Tzolk’in, Intrépids, Lunarmouth, Atomes, Neo Tek Spirit, Illusion sonore, Electrohm, Ethereal Decibel Company, Freaky Carnival Sound-systems, Trancemigration Productions, Indalive, Zygomatik, mtp shroom, Orbeat Digita and Tantra Music.
The preferred music style in your country:
Psytrance, Hardtech, Forest, Hightek, Progressive
Party times:
Before – 8 P.M to 2 A.M
Parties – The hours are not regular but parties are usually held from 10 P.M to 7 A.M
and sometimes to 10 A.M or 12 A.M
Afters – Can last up to three days after the regular parties or festivals.
Afterparty culture:
Usually, it is at people’s house that the after will be held. However, parties lasting up to three days after the announced hours has been seen in France.
he party price ranges depending on the size of the party. Before parties – From 3 euros to 5 euros
Regular size parties – Tickets can began at 8 euros and go up to 15 euros – If one gets its ticket before the party online or in different shops, you will get a cheaper price and the more you wait and the higher the price.
Larger parties – The price can start at 12 euros and go up to 20 euros. The price for a small bottle of water is usually one euro, three euros for a soft and five for a beer.
Drug screening:
Alcohol Test is used very often. Police car are waiting outside parties or at roundabouts in different parts of the country. Make sure not to drink more than two drinks if you do not want to get a fine or more. The test used is the one where one has to blow in a ballon and if the color changes than either one pass the test or fails. If you fail, there are good chances that the police will not let you continue your road and that they will give you a fine and might bring you in.
There are also drug tests being done but they are more rare. Very often, the alcohol test is given to people at parties or festivals. Make sure you test yourself before you take your car. The best thing is to decide that someone will stay sober that night to drive everyone home safely. This is what we call “a capitaine de soirée”. Be aware also of certain types of drugs that are going around like the “synthetic drugs.”Some people are getting really sick from it and as a warning it is better to think about it twice before taking it. Kits are given out free at parties and festivals in the prevention stands that are organized on site. Do not hesitate to use them. Here is a list of the organization dealing with prevention and whose name you might see at parties or festivals.
- Le Tipi: letipi.org
- Asud: asud.org
- Psychedelic Nurse: -psychedelicnursing.org
- Techno Plus : technoplus.org
- Keep Smiling: keep-smiling.com/
- Everything fluos: (décos, make-up…) Psy-Art-Shop
- Marc’s Photography Marc’s Photography
- Interiors draping Freak Spirit
- A Peau-Strof (Leather shop) A Peau-Strof
- Tatoos and piercing: Sailin’On
- Bodypainter Art: dawn light graff
- Jewelries: Valoo Baz’art Valoo Baz’art
- Dreadlocks makers: Les Spaghettines (Les Spaghettines)
- Different type of tea and tchai – Flying TeaShop
- Bio-Vegan Stand: ( Saperlipopote-Bretagne)
- Music Store: Techno-Import (record shops) This is one of the older record shop you can find in France. Techno-Import (record shops). This is also a great place to find the flyers for your next party.
- Buddhism and self improvement: If you are interested by buddhism or you practice this philosophy, Buddha University
- Psy-Radio in France psychedelik.com .
Best places for activities:
- If you like French Food there are some great cooking classes, you can take in the main cities.
- There are great sight seing spots such as the Mont Saint Michel and the Emerald Coast, Versailles, Paris, les calanques de Marseille, Saint Tropez, Brittany…
- You can taste some great whine and go grape picking during the month of september in the Burgundy region, Savoy or the “Aquitaine” Region.
- You can go and enjoy some great time on the beach in the morning and go skying on some of the best skiing spots in the world in the afternoon.
- One of the nicest part of France, is a small island off the south-east coast: Corsica. This island is part of France and yet it is almost as it was a country of its own with its own food, language and customs. It is a breath taking environment with beautiful panoramic views that will not leave you numb.
- France is considered the number one tourist country in the world, there are so much to see and do that to write it all will take pages.
Best places to stay:
- Camping is a great alternative to hotel in France and there are some four star campgrounds that are much nicer than a two starts hotel. (Caravan park and campground – Bois de Boulogne/Paris, France). It’s location is great cause it is easily accessible to Paris and yet far enough so you do not have all the craziness of the city.campingparis.fr
- For other camp site, check out this site: campingfrance.com
- If you have a little budget you can also check out the “Logis de France”.
This a chain that operates for middle range budget with usually a restaurant. logishotels.com - One great way to meet new people and stay in a affordable place are the youth hostel, called “auberge de jeunesse” in France. , aubergesdejeunesse.com or fuaj.org
- You can also rent a room gabinohome.com.
- There is also the possibility for woofing wwoof.fr
Best places to eat:
- Le Batofar (Restaurant where you can hear Trance and other type of electronic music while having diner “mostly burgers and hot dogs), In Front of 11 quai F. Mauriac – 75013 Paris – Métro: Quai de la gare or BNF, Bus: 325 – 89 – 64
- Bel Canto – Opera Diner – The restaurant where the worlds of Opera and fine dining meet…
Le Bel Canto Paris - 72, quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, Tél. (33), Bus: 67, 70, 72, 75, 76, 96, Subway station: “Hôtel De Ville” (Line 1), “Pont Marie” (Line 7)
- If you are up for lounge music, there are two famous places, who both have released their musical label,
that you should not miss: Le Buddha Bar, 8 Bis rue Boissy d’Anglas – 75008 Paris – Tél. (33) - Le Costes (They also made a Label untitled Café Costes), 239 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris – Tél 08 99 96 58 86
- If you come to Marseille, the best place to eat a “soupe de poisson” is “Chez Michelle” right near the beach.
Make sure to make a reservation, if you want to be able to eat there. - One of the best chain restaurant for vegan in France is called “Paradis Du Fruit”
you can find one in almost all the cities in the country. There are restaurants for everyone taste and desire. You can find dishes from all over the world and France is well known for its gastronomy as well as whine.
Website 1:
The Forum with everything you want and need to know about France Psytrance culture as well as other countries, including all genders ranging from downtempo to hi-tech. (Parties and festivals announcement as well as reports, record labels, transport…)
Website 2:
An internet site both if French and English where you will get information on the Psytrance scene in and outside France.
Funny Stuff
When you arrive in France and you meet new friends do not be afraid if they come close to you and give you a kiss on the cheek. Depending on the region of France, you will be staying, it might be two, three or four. The friends of your new friend will also give you a kiss. However, do not attempt to give it to your new boss or a person you just met in the street. There is a very strong sense of hierarchy. In case, you are not sure, just wait until the person gives you the kiss.

Florence Croizat aka Limpts
Marseille, France
About You:
My first encounter with psytrance music was back in 1992 when a girlfriend in Miami, Florida, U.S.A, made me listen to it on headphone. I asked her ‘what is this sound?”. She replied “this is what they are listening to in Europe”… I have been in the music industry ever since I’m 12 years old. It is at that age, that I first put step on a dance floor. It was at the legendary club in Toronto, Canada :”Vodoo Club”. Our week-end was spend dancing for hours under new wave music when not trying to bring peace and stop the gang fights between skin heads, mods, punks, hard rockers and new wavers… . Looking for the style that would most likely feet my philosophy and thought, I want through all stages from punk, to mods, new age, rock … . I started playing piano at the age of ten and spend hours listening to all kind of music. Music quickly became a real passion. Years later, I became the assistant of the Art Director for a label that was distributed by Sony Music Entertainment. Arriving in the U.S.A after moving from Toronto, Canada, I got interested by electronic music and started hanging out in Harlem, the Bronx in New York City, listening to house music. Not having lived in one place more than four years since I’m twelve, it is in 1994, that I came back to France. Arriving in Paris, I want to my first psytrance party. It was a Gaia concept party. I discovered a whole new world and since never left the scene. Worked on different festivals such as the Boom and the Vuuv as well as parties. At the age of twenty seven, I had my own company Inter Atlantica whose main purpose was booking and promotion as well as finding distribution and licensing deals for independent US labels in France and French labels in the US.
Your favorite Psytrance music ?
Progressive, fullon, Ambient, Chill Out, Psytrance, Hi-Tech`
Your Role:
Operational marketing and communication on an international level
French Editor for the Psytraveller Magazine
Mushroom Magazine French area Agent