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Caos Conzept is a psychedelic UV artist from Berlin.

Caos Conzept about himself:

Caos Conzept is a synonym for my 3D-art and stands for all that’s around us; everything you couldn’t put into words or describe with music.

Hi, my Name is Martin and I was born in 1980 in Fehrbellin, Germany. Since I can remember, I have been trying to find a medium that pictures the indescribable. I picked up my artistical skills autodidactically. After lots of exhibitions in Germany and many installations at open-air festivals, I set up a shop with my 3D-gallery in Berlin Friedrichshain in Mai 2008.

The Caos Conzept creates a pictorial representation of our cosmic being. Most of my paintings were composed by fluorescent colors to enjoy the three-dimensional effect. When you look at the pictures in UV-light and 3D-glasses on your nose, it’s an even more astonishing effect. Colors seem to come out of the painting and you will be tempted to reach for them. With this effect I want to demonstrate the trinity of the cosmic being and what it transcends: physical, astral and causal body.

Since I’ve been painting, I discovered other parts and worlds of creativity, like my wood series and the surrealistic landscapes. In my unprecedented foam-art series, exclusive made of polyurethane, you can enjoy the depth effect even without the UV-light and the 3D-glasses.

In the course of years, I developed in addition to my painting and sculpting a T-shirt collection (Caos-Conzept-Shirts). Unique geometrical forms and meditative designs will please your eyes. I can create almost anything you want – nothing is impossible.

Picture time!

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