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Dear Internet, Alex Grey has NOT died!

Dear Internet, Alex Grey has NOT died!

The legendary visionary artist Alex Grey, according to a picture making it’s rounds on facebook, has died. It reads: “The web of life, love, suffering and death unites all beings.” and below it says “Alex Grey RIP: 1953-2016. According to a viral...

Pepper Spray Attack At Berlin Psytrance Party

Pepper Spray Attack At Berlin Psytrance Party

A shockingly ruthless attack takes place inside a Berlin club at the Progressive Psytrance party SIGNS, when pepper spray is applied to the club's air system. While the consequences of a changing Berlin society become eminent, the Psytrance scene bravely keeps its...

Conspiracy: Controlled Consumers and the Awakening

Conspiracy: Controlled Consumers and the Awakening

Conspiracy theories run rampant through this grid, and the variations are endless. This documentary created by crackinfilms depicts the underlying mechanics steering the socio-political currents of the world. Conspiracy: The world is awakening Here’s what the makers...

Are you going to Die?

Are you going to Die?

Comet to hit earth in September? Since a couple of months, a special set of rumours regarding a comet that's on a collision course with our very own Gaia, has been creating waves of mild panic around the world. The comet is set to hit sometime in September between...

Psytrance: The History of a Colourful Culture

Psytrance: The History of a Colourful Culture

This is an exclusive preview from the fantastic GOABOOK. How it all started (written by Chicago) The beginning Well, it all started in the Goa 1983-84 season, the first electronic „Goa' music, that is...up until then, and through that season, we were tripping ‘n...

Festival Essentials: A complete List

Festival Essentials: A complete List

A festival without festival essentials, is not much fun...since you would want to have your cake and eat it too. Packing for a festival can be a big challenge, since most festivals are located in remote areas, so it's better to go with everything you would need. The...

The most dynamic word ever invented: F*CK

The most dynamic word ever invented: F*CK

This four-letter ubiquitous word graces conversations all around the's a hilarious breakdown of the many ways in which the word can be used:

20 years mushroom magazine – an interview with Mat Mushroom

20 years mushroom magazine – an interview with Mat Mushroom

20 Jahre mushroom magazine   Seit 20 Jahren DJ und Herausgeber: Ein Gespräch mit Mat Mushroom Zwanzig Jahre mushroom. Stolze Leistung - im Allgemeinen und im Angesicht der großen Printmedien-Krise im Besonderen. Ein Fall von Totgeglaubte...

Festival ABC 2014 – Unreleased

Festival ABC 2014 – Unreleased

UNRELEASED Wichtiger Faktor, der darüber entscheidet, wie hoch ein DJ auf der Toller-Hecht-Skala einzuordnen ist. Je mehr unreleaste (zu Deutsch: unveröffentlichte) Tracks, desto besser – egal, ob sich das Ding genauso...

Festival ABC 2014 – Eco-awareness / Umweltbewusstsein

Festival ABC 2014 – Eco-awareness / Umweltbewusstsein

Umweltbewusstsein Extrem wichtig für den Festivalgänger von heute. Ausnahmen: Anreise mit dem Auto, Interkontinentalflüge zu Festivals, zu spirituellen Reisen in Indien oder Party-Trips in Thailand, Anschaffung neuer Apple...

Festival ABC 2014 – Goa Nazi

Festival ABC 2014 – Goa Nazi

Goa Nazi Wollt ihr die totale Party? Dann kauft nicht bei Bademeistern! Was nicht im Schwarzlicht leuchtet, keine Dreadlocks hat, langsamer als 145 BPM oder einfach nur neu und ungewohnt ist, das ist für den Goanazi...

Greenhouse Seeds


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