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Oxycanta ©by Mahiane (Ultimae)

Oxycanta ©by Mahiane (Ultimae)

Der Gitarre spielende Weltenbummler Suduaya legt auf Altar ein wundervolles neues Downtempo Album vor *** Mahiane von Ultimae Records hat die dritte Ausgabe der Oxycanta Compilation Serie zusammengestellt *** Der 7. Cosmic Awakening Mix vom Gagarin Project ist ab sofort auf verfügbar *** The Land Switcher mischt Psybient, Psystep und Glitch mit der Power von Psytrance *** Das ukrainische Web-Radio feiert 4-jähriges Jubiläum *** Das neue Talent Eugana veröffentlicht auf Cosmicleaf eine verträumt-esoterische EP namens Euganica.

Unity is a not-to-be-missed Downtempo album by Suduaya. Louis-David is touring the world with his guitar since 2010, playing top-class Progressive and Ambient live sets. His music encourages people to gather on the dance floor, enjoying an open earth experience and a deep communion with nature. Released on Altar.

There’s a new chapter in the Oxycanta compilation series by French DJ and producer Mahiane (Ultimae Records) featuring tracks by emerging artists from the forefront of the Ambient scene as well as pathfinders in the genre. She blends IDM, Downtempo and Electronica – Throughout Oxycanta III the sound spectrum explores wide arrays of deep bass all the way to the high-pitched resonances,.

We are happy to present you Moon, episode 7 of the Cosmic Awakening mixes by Gagarin Project! Enjoy a 66-minutes long cosmic journey into Shamanic Psybient, Tribal Psychill and Ethnic Ambient from Ibojima, Dream Stalker, Goatika Creative Lab, Desert Dwellers, Organic Shapes, Tengri, Kliment, Uchu, Chilled C’Quence, The Peaking Goddess Collective and (val)Liam. Available at

The Land Switcher sound is definitely unique, made in France and filled with PsyLove. The new EP Cloud 36 has 5 excellent tracks that will set you in a groovy, dubby mood! It can be described as a fine mix of Psybient / Psystep / Glitch, boosted with Psytrance production techniques.

Congratulations on the 4 years anniversary of the most devoted radio station from Ukraine,! For the last 4 years PsyRadio has been broadcasting their positive sound vibration – Huge thanks to the team, the resident DJs and artists! Special respect goes to Slava, N’aam, Choop Project, Maiia, Uchu and Chronos!

Without any doubt, Eguana is an artist with wide horizons who knows how to build up multilayered sounds for a maximum Chill Out journey. A wide variety of atmospheres cause esoteric emotions and make the listener dream! Check out his wonderful new release named Eguanica, released on Cosmicleaf.

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