Attaching great importance to music selection, set and setting, Austrian DJ Philoso is an up-and-coming talent and scene activist in the exciting twilight zone between Psytrance and Darkpsy.
I think the most important thing for me is to interact with the audience, to make a real connection between me and the people on the dance floor. Also, I always try to keep up full power and a professional, intelligent music selection People appreciate the rich complexity of the music I choose during my sets, they embrace every tune as an inspiration for their psychedelic experience. Obviously you got an ‘Insane Vision’… Yes, in 2008 I founded the organization Insane Vision based in Innsbruck in the middle of the Austrian alps and ever since I try to support upcoming and well-known national and international artists and to bring them in perfect conjunction with art (decoration) on my dance floors. So watch out for a truly holistic outer-space experience at the upcoming events! Any other plans? Keep travelling to play sets and spread music as far as I can, supporting and initiating international and national parties and festivals In this respect, I’m really excited picking the tracks for my first compilation at the moment, it will be out in early 2013. I hope to see many dancers and freaks at our NoisyRadicals Gathering in August in Portugal, we are very excited about this event, and last but not least there is the next season of Insane Vision events, starting September/October. philoso on facebook Roberdo
Mit seiner gefühlvollen Sound-Jonglage irgendwo zwischen Hi-Tech angehauchtem Psytrance und Darkpsy hat DJ Philoso in den vergangenen 4 Jahren für Aufhorchen in der Szene gesorgt. Auftritte in 15 Ländern auf 4 Kontinenten sprechen für sich…und für eine stetige Weiterentwicklung, schließlich bedeutet das viele Reisen eine mächtige Inspirationsquelle.
Mit den „Insane Vision’ Events in seiner österreichischen Heimat Innsbruck setzt er sein ganzheitliches Partyideal um, indem er erstklassige Künstler in außerirdisch inszenierter Umgebung präsentiert- ab September geht es wieder los! Aktuell bereitet er das NoisyRadicals Gathering in Portugal vor. Und dann ist da noch seine erste Compilation, die er im Moment zusammenstellt und die 2013 erscheinen wird. |