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Reisen war immer ein sehr wichtiger Einfluss für Imago Dei- Reisen in die äußere und in die innere Welt. Die orientalische und afrikanische Kultur haben ihn geprägt, seine wichtigsten Inspirationen liefern ihm aber die Vorstellungen und Riten der amerikanischen Ureinwohner und des Taoismus.

Malerei besitzt die Eigenschaft, Zusammenhänge und Vorgänge auf einer höheren Ebene des Seins zu symbolisieren, die sich nur schwer mit Worten wiedergeben lassen. Diese Tatsache hat Imago Dei, dessen Name „das Bild Gottes’ bedeutet, schon in früher Kindheit für sich entdeckt. In Kombination mit den spirituellen Symbolen des Buddhismus verstärkt sich dieser Effekt nochmals. Der DJ auf dem Titelblatt ist übrigens Avalokiteshvara, der Bodhisattva des unendlichen Mitgefühls.

Imago Dei

imago dei

Travelling always meant a very important influence for Imago Dei- Travelling both to the outer and the inner world. The Oriental and African cultures had a strong impact on him and so did the philosophies of Carl Young and Joseph Campbell. But his strongest inspirations come from the Native American and Taoist traditional beliefs and practices.

Imago Dei, whose name means ‘image of god’, discovered already at a very young age that painting is a unique way to illustrate connections and processes from the level of the higher self. Developing through many styles, he first focused on surrealism and abstract expressionism. In this phase of his work, the idea of cymatics, the visualisation of sounds and other vibrations, meant an important influence for him. Further travels and studies eventually lead him to the Taoist philosophy and its rich symbolism. Looking at spiritual symbols creates a resonance within psychic archetypes, which will raise the consciousness. In this respect, his Mahayana Buddhist influence can be seen on the cover picture: The DJ is Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of infinite compassion.

Imago Dei, today living in Grass Valley, California, received a Bachelor of Science in 1987, a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts in 1990, and completed the Advanced Studies Program from The Art Institute of Chicago in 1990 as one of the institute‘s top ten painters. Just recently his varied work could be seen at Health and Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa. Coming up next is an exhibition in San Francisco’s P-kok gallery.

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