Born in 1975 in Japan, Naoto Hattori today lives in New York. Looking at his one-of-a-kind pictures often provokes a weird cocktail of emotions – a truly psychedelic experience! Some of your pictures are kind of frightening, but in a fascinating way.I never thought my paintings are frightening though. I always know what I really want to paint at each moment and simply express what’s in my head.
Everyone is really kind and gives me nice comments on my work. I like it when people show me their tattoo with my art.
What would be your dream project?
Now I’m into showing my paintings at gallery exhibitions around the world, but when things are settling down I would like to take a year off and paint one huge painting with hundreds of my characters in it.
Do you listen to music while working?
Sometimes I listened to music while painting.
I listen to lots of types of music, Techno,
Drum & Bass, Psytrance, Hiphop, R&B, Reggae, and Rock… I also play nature sounds. My favourite is the sound of a thunderstorm.
Which artists do you admire?
I like Jan Van Eyck. Last summer, I finally got to see his paintings from close up at the Louvre museum. He put so many details in such a small space. I can see a small universe in his work.
Ein Blick auf die Gemälde des in New York lebenden Japaners Naoto Hattori provoziert einen wilden Gefühlscocktail, in dem sich Faszination und Schauder mischen.
Vielleicht weil der Künstler während der Arbeit manchmal den Aufnahmen von Gewitterstürmen lauscht?
Jedenfalls ist sein unglaublich detailreicher Surrealismus ein wahrhaft psychdelisches Erlebnis! Naoto träumt davon, eines Tages ein riesiges Bild mit hunderten seiner Charaktere zu füllen und so ein auf Leinwand gebanntes Paralleluniversum zu schaffen- so ähnlich wie es dem von ihm sehr bewunderten Künstler Jan Van Eyck in seinen Werken gelungen ist.