Savor the Magic: Mushroom-Infused Chocolate Delight

Savor the Magic: Mushroom-Infused Chocolate Delight

Chocolate is a heavenly indulgence that everyone loves. Whether it's milk, white, or dark chocolate, it has a unique taste that satisfies the sweet tooth of millions worldwide. Meanwhile, especially the medicinal variety, have long been favored for their...

7 Best CBD Flavored Treats For Your Furry Friend

7 Best CBD Flavored Treats For Your Furry Friend

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using CBD products for various wellness benefits in humans. But did you know that cannabidiol can also benefit our furry companions? As pet owners, we always want what's best for our beloved four-legged friends....

Regular Marijuana Seeds are the Pure Gems

Regular Marijuana Seeds are the Pure Gems

„Reguläre Samen“ Reine Edelsteine Dies sind normale, unbehandelte und genetisch unveränderte Samen, die aus der Bestäubung zwischen einer männlichen und weiblichen Cannabispflanze resultieren. Einige Grower bevorzugen es mit unbehandelten Samen zu...

THC: Why is THC the HERO?

THC: Why is THC the HERO?

THC – Der Held THC wurde zuerst 1964 von Professor Mechoulam isoliert, einem israelischen Wissenschaftler und die synthetische Version dieser Chemikalie für eine lange Zeit legal verschrieben. THC, besser bekannt als Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, ist die...



For most stoners, being high is a very versatile experience, and there are many fun activates to be done that are enhanced by the higher state of being.

Happy Hemp-critique

Happy Hemp-critique

Pressesch(l)au didn’t rip us apart completely! We were taken apart by moderator Lars Golenia in episode 97 in the most bizarre way.

Are the effects of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds similar to those of LSD?

Are the effects of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds similar to those of LSD?

We would describe Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (HBW) as an unpolished version of LSD. HBW typically lasts six to eight hours, while an acid trip can easily go on for eleven hours. The effects of HBW can be described as more ‘raw’ than LSD. HBW tends to make one feel a bit...

World Wide Weed – Philippines

World Wide Weed – Philippines

President‘s kill imperative has become national policy and good practice resulting in more than 7,000 deaths of alleged drug users, dealers, and addicts

How much Peyote cactus do I need for a trip?

How much Peyote cactus do I need for a trip?

This question is not so easy to answer, since many factors play a role regarding dosage. First of all, every individual reacts differently to certain chemicals and certain dosages. Also, it depends on what kind of trip you’re after. And last but not least, the content...

MDMA could turn legal

MDMA could turn legal

Illegal MDMA could turn legal prescription drug as potent treatment for PTSD

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