Segments of science have validated that the fundamental nature of the universe is a vibrational field permeating everything. If you were to translate that into the language of the spirit, it could be simply put as everything is you.

Segments of science have validated that the fundamental nature of the universe is a vibrational field permeating everything. If you were to translate that into the language of the spirit, it could be simply put as everything is you.
Has the Spirit of Goa given away to a simple culture of celebration and only illusion and marketing?
Regarded to be a dimensional reality where humankind lives in unity, prosperity and peace, the idea of the Fifth Dimension works as a beacon of hope for a new mode of existence.
A universe is an umbrella definition of a specific type of energy grid or a matrix, and currently we seem to find ourselves enmeshed in a hostile grid.
As a sponge cannot help but soak up water, likewise an empath not just feels but also absorbs other people’s emotions/physical symptoms.
As a species journeys towards becoming the dominant lifeform over a planet, a myriad of problems threatening the survival of the collective crops up…
Alice hat many adventures in Wonderland… Do you remember this time she met her friend Lucy..?
Das Leben ist eine kontinuierliche Reise, eine Art unendliche geistige Erforschung des Bewusstseins. Es ist eine Reflexion unzähliger Farben – einige dunkle, einige helle, einige glücklich, einige traurig, und so wie die Sonne stets im Osten aufsteigt,...
Oft spüren wir als sei jemand in unseren Space getreten, obwohl da kein physischer Kontakt bestand – wahrscheinlich weil jemand in unserer Aura stand! Eine Aura ist im Grunde ein jedes lebende, Sauerstoff zum Überleben benötigende Wesen umgebendes,...
Wenn es ein Trance-Event gibt, das sich von den meisten anderen Goa- oder Psytrance Partys unterscheidet, dann ist das Avaloka.
Healing ABC Vom 15. bis 21. August 2016 findet das dritte NEW HEALING FESTIVAL statt. Das einwöchige Erlebniscamp startet als offenes spirituelles Retreat und endet in einer nachhaltigen Goa-Party. Wir haben zusammen mit dem Festival-Team...
The internet is a treasure trove of strange news, and in light of this, we came across this bit of information regarding the scene…this seems really crazy…what do you guys think of it? It’s written by a certain R. Naic, and it seems to border on science-fiction...
Hueman - der Regenbogenmensch Der englische Begriff ‘human’ wird sehr oft genutzt, ohne über dessen Bedeutung nachzudenken. Zerlegt, erhalten wir “Hu” “Man” oder ‘hue-man’ (‘Farb-mensch’)… Wir sind die Regenbogenleute, leben in einer Welt eingefärbt in...
Geist und Körper arbeiten scheinbar als Teil eines geschlossenen Ganzen…so glauben wir, aber sobald die Astralprojektion beherrscht wird, löst sich diese Sichtweise auf. Astralprojektion: Eine Out-of-Body-Erfahrung (OBE) Die durch unsere fünf Sinne...
"In the dream, I'm walking to the front door of the mall to go outside, when a thought enters my mind... "This is just like that dream I had earlier tonight. Wait a minute... Am I dreaming? Holy fucking shit...I am." The realization was...indescribable. I KNEW...
Terence Kemp McKenna was an author, lecturer, philosopher and shamanic explorer of the realm of psychedelic states. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including metaphysics, alchemy, language, culture, technology, and the theoretical origins of...
Manifestation our own reality has been a buzz word, so what does it take to create? Find out here: Using the Heart for Manifestation As science looks more and more at the human body with greater technology, we have begun to come full circle in understanding what the...
Cymatics brings to life the hidden realm of sound that the eye is unable to process. "Cymatics, from Greek: κῦμα, meaning "wave", is a subset of modal vibrational phenomena. The term was coined by Hans Jenny (1904-1972), a Swiss follower of the philosophical school...
Shamans the connection between different Dimensions Shamans are an integral part of human culture and the connection to the divine realms. This well produced documentary covers various interviews with Shamans & other mediums that channel a plethora of energy for...
Sacred Geometry is the concept of the moment, which has gotten all the spiritual colonies exchanging ideas and insights.