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Der Vibe von O.Z.O.R.A ist neuerdings nur einen Stupps mit dem Finger weit entfernt. Das beliebte Festival hat nämlich radiOzora gestartet. Via Internet sind der Trance und der Chill Out Kanal überall auf der Welt zu empfangen. Das Programm wird von Künstlern wie etwa Eat Static, Bodoo, Clairvo MustBeat, Fungus Funk, Kalumet aka Ork Monk oder Para Halu gestaltet, in ihren wöchentlichen Shows spielen sie auch eine ganze Menge bisher unveröffentlichter Tracks. Außerdem haben Labels wie Aphid, Parvati, Phantasm oder Zero One Music ihre eigene, regelmäßige Sendezeit. radiOzora verfolgt trotz digitaler Verbreitung einen ganz klassischen Ansatz und präsentiert deshalb nicht nur Musik, sondern auch Partytipps und Interviews.



From now on you can tune into the vibe of O.Z.O.R.A.  with the nudge of a finger: The festival launched its own internet radio, broadcasting weekly shows by great artists and labels

In times of SoundCloud, YouTube & Co… why radio? “It has a community-forming and unifying power that is still unique”, the Hungarian crew says. “Radio has always played a major role in Europe as one of the guardians of freedom. You just need to remember Radio Liberty of the post-WWII period, which our parents and grandparents listened to on this side of the Iron Curtain, as the sole source of information coming from the free world. Thanks to the internet, one can access a radio channel from just about anywhere, even with a phone.” The recurrent, weekly shows on radiOzora are presented by various well-known artists like Eat Static, Bodoo, Clairvo MustBeat, Fungus Funk, Kalumet aka Ork Monk, Para Halu, and record labels such as Aphid, Parvati, Phantasm, Psylife, Visionary Mind or Zero One Music, to name just a few featured on the radio’s Trance and Chillout wavelengths. Both channels are weekly updated with new and even unreleased sound, as many artists submit their music. Following a classic approach, radiOzora also broadcasts spoken information, namely party recommendations and interviews with scene activists and producers such as Hux Flux, Josko & Nuno Deconto, Liquid Soul, Meller, PsiloCybian, Space Cat, Symphonix or Tristan. The O.Z.O.R.A crew is convinced: “We think that even in the 21st century with all its online communication the radio is one of the most important forms of media.” During the last months they have been working industriously to make their project a proof of this vision – besides preparing this year’s festival. So even though summer is still some months away – you can always tune into the vibe of O.Z.O.R.A!
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