Global Sect is a communication channel that will broadcast various creative and philosophical concepts, expressed through various works of art. We are interested not only in great music, but also in visual art, organization of conceptual activities and even science.
The overall meaning of the message is in the unity of people and the contemplation of beauty in its various forms.
Particular attention will be paid to communication with the audience and various artistic communities; we are absolutely open to any forms of cooperation and ready to hear any opinions and ideas.
Global Sect is a music label from Russia, which also creates and sells psychedelic merchandise such as UV backdrops and T-Shirts.
In collaboration with the artists, we offer uniquely designed backdrops printed on a quality synthetic material. Sublimation technology print (without pixels) is 100% UV active and contains vibrant fluorescent colors that mesmerize.
It is a perfect decoration for trance party or house, and with blacklight, it gives crazy psychedelic experience 😉
Backdrops are available in different sizes, up to 1.5 x 2.5 m!
Ship worldwide!
Check out our shop 😉
Love and light ॐ