On Good Friday in 1962 twenty American theology students attended an experiment under supervision of Timothy Leary. He administered ten of them psilocybin, the other ten a placebo. This scientifically confirmed what psychedelic experienced people know exactly: Psychedelica enable religious experiences.
The second Psychedelic Forum deals with all the facets of magic mushrooms: Various lectures will inform about their cultivation, their historic and cultural aspects and of course also their ethnological and shamanic usage. After that different workshops will give the possibility for discussion with the speakers and to learn more about the subjects.
The speakers are:
– Dr. Jochen Gartz – Chemiker und Mykologe
– Dr. phil. Christian Rätsch – Ethnologie und Volkskunde
– Wolfgang Bauer – Psychologie und Volksbotanik
– lic. iur. Bernhard Schmithüsen – Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit
– Hans van den Hurk – Gründer von Conscious Dreams – Amsterdam
– Roger Liggenstorfer- Gründer und Geschäftsführer des Nachtschatten Verlages
– Boris Nikolaus Heisserer – Medienschamanismus, Gaian Disciple Tools
During the evening and the night there will be a very special audio-visual ceremony which combines modern technology and electronic music with the original idea of a psychedelic session. Last but not least there will also be a party which delivers some excellent Psychedelic Trance for dancing.