Native Italian London resident shares his experiences of more than 20 years of Psytrance as DJ (Cimi), promoter and producer ( M-Theory). While looking ahead to his next scheduled release, a new 2 tracks ep on UK prog label Furthur Progressions Records, he talks about his role in society as an artist, what he loves most about his work, likes about himself the most, and also what he does during his time off, and more.
I moved to London from my native Italy in 1997. Here I discovered Psytrance and the community. I’ve been directly involved with this beautiful movement for 20 years and it’s still playing a major part in my life. I started as a dj and promoter of underground parties until eventually I took the leap forward into producing my own music in 2002 and… well, I’m still here 🙂
Currently what projects are you working on? And what future plans have you chalked out for yourself?
I’m actively writing music under 3 aliases, M-Theory is my full-on project whilst Cimi has more of a progressive flavour. The new project DM-Theory is instead a crossover between Psy and techno. I’m usually unable to plan long term as life changes incredibly fast but I do my best to keep producing tunes and be up to date with modern production skills.
The next scheduled release is a new 2 tracks ep from Cimi called “New Synthesis“. It was released on the 11th March by the best UK prog label Furthur Progressions Records. Cimi has been a main-stay in their roster since the label was launched and 10 years on, I’m still in love with this bunch! We’re celebrating the 10 year anniversary in London on the 23rd March with label and international artists including myself, Multiphase, Allaby, Protonica and more. If you’re in the UK or beyond make sure you are there!
I believe every artist’s role, regardless of the type of art, is of being a contributor of joy, interaction and inspiration to the society. Â
You obviously love what you do…but what do you love the most about your work?
What I love the most of my work is a stomping happy and smiling dance floor blasting it with my music. It’s absolutely the best reward and it gives me a full charge of energy to run back in the studio for more new music.
Yeah, no one’s perfect, but there’s always something we really like about ourselves…what quality do you like about yourself the most?
I’m someone who is respectful of others, I think it’s an endangered quality. In this time and age people are getting used to not replying emails and messages, or even not returning calls, unless they know there’s something to be gained. This includes people you know or/and worked with for a number of years, not only party promoters 🙂 I prefer to always reply, even if only with two lines, because I believe that it’s better than blanking people and being careless.
Any embarrassing moments? Yes, you’d hate to disclose your secrets but we’d love to hear.
Hehehe, every interview comes with an embarassing question. Well how about going to the wrong airport? Few years ago I had a gig in Europe and it was one of those joyful early morning flight. The taxi driver takes me to London Heathrow, I go to the check-in and the assistant makes me notice that my flight is actually leaving from London Gatwick! Eventually, when I got to the festival I was supposed to play, the whole crew had a laugh about it. Actually, the promoter was happy to share the price of my f…up as he accepted the original flight was too early in the morning.
Excessive chopping dulls the axe. Time-outs are a must. What do you do when you take time off from creating?
Got any hobbies?
When not in the studio I’ve got to deal with social media, connecting with people and friends, replying emails and so on. That takes most of the day away. However, in the evenings I love cooking good food and drinking good wine. I am also into traveling to unspoilt exotic locations, especially during the coldest months of winter.
At the end of the ride, everyone’s looking for some form of success (tangible or not),
what does success mean to you?
My definition of success is having the opportunity to live the life you truly want, personal happiness, satisfaction and being able to keep your ego down to minimum levels. A little financial success would be welcomed too, just enough to be able to sustain yourself, carry on with what you are doing and keep the dream alive.
Cimi on facebook
M-Theory on facebook
DM-Theory on facebook
Furthur Progressions Records on facebook