Sought for stem cell donor.
Big DKMS typing campaign starts on November 5 in Schwerin
With the Indian Spirit and the Psychedelic Circus Christian “Syncron” Paeseler has helped to shape the Psytrance festival community. Now the Schwerin father of a family, known to many under his nickname “Pizza”, is suffering from blood cancer – and depends on great support.
The search for a life-saving stem cell donor starts with a major typing campaign on Sunday, November 5th at the Hotel Elefant, Goethestraße 39, in Schwerin. Every healthy 17- to 55-year-old person can register between 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. from the DKMS (German bone marrow donor database) – completely according to the motto “Sticks in – donors are!
All those who cannot come to Schwerin for the appointment have the possibility to have a typing set sent home by the DKMS and to deliver a cotton swab with a smear from the buccal mucosa by post. With this commitment, everyone has the opportunity to save lives.
“I have bone cancer AML. The world is upside down at this moment and everything is not as it once was “, says a post on Christian’s Facebook page. Even though it is so easy to register, there are still too few people who end up registering. And yet it is really not even five minutes! It doesn’t hurt. How important the work of the DKMS is, one probably only really knows how important the work of the DKMS is, if one is affected in any way and life depends in the truest sense of the word on finding the suitable donor.”.
And the diagnosis can affect anyone. Unexpectedly. In the middle of life. According to DKMS, every 15 minutes a patient in Germany receives a diagnosis of blood cancer. This is the generic term for malignant diseases of the bone marrow or the hematopoietic system, such as leukaemia. As explained by the DKMS, these diseases disrupt normal haematopoietic formation by the uncontrolled proliferation of degenerate white blood cells. Because of these cancer cells, the blood can no longer carry out its vital tasks, such as fighting infections, transporting oxygen or stopping bleeding.
According to the DKMS, only one-third of all blood cancer patients find a suitable donor within the family. The majority of them therefore need a foreign donor who is not related to them. Every seventh blood cancer patient is looking for a blood cancer patient in vain…..
How you can help Christian and other affected persons, how a typing works, how you can request the typing set online, how a stem cell donation works and many other questions will be answered on the DKMS website.
Further information about the typing campaign can also be found on Facebook