

‚Into the Light‘ von Hypnocoustics versprüht positiven Sound über die Tanzfläche hinaus. Im Titel inspiriert von Alex Grey haben die Jungs aus London in 8 Tracks ihren unverwechselbaren UK Sound realisiert, psychedelische Erfahrungen vertonend, das Leben feiernd. Kollaborationen, so z.B. mit Mr Peculiar, ein Schmelztiegel melodischer und Full-On Stile, mit Aphid Moon, tanzflächenorientiert, tragen zu einem fein verästelten Arrangement von Langlebigkeit und Tiefe bei – einfach ‚psychedelisch‘.
Listening to ‚Into the Light‘ by Hypnocoustics is like going to an extended exhibition of Alex Grey‘s work. Hypnocoustics‘ finely crafted 8 tracks, essentially sparkling with positive vibes, kind of transcribe the psychedelic from Alex Grey‘s pictures into a sound sucking you towards the dance floor.

Hypnocoustics are an exciting project from the UK who have just come up with a new album the title of which, ‚Into the Light‘ was inspired by Alex Grey.

Meeting Hypnocoustics we asked them a couple of questions.

Tell us about your journey writing this album?
We‘ve now released 16 tracks on various labels but felt it was time to gather a collection of music that defined the project, as well as take the opportunity to write with other artists. The album is the sum of our experiences in the studio and being on the road – and we‘ve aimed to create a distinctive UK sound.

Alex Grey - Contemplation

Alex Grey – Contemplation

What was the main inspiration for the title of the album?
The title track ‚Into the Light‘ was inspired by Alex Grey. His work and insights really capture what we‘re trying to express in sound – exploring psychedelic experiences, building connections on the dance floor or simply to celebrate and enjoy life! The title shouldn‘t necessarily be interpreted as ‚daytime‘. Although it‘s a positive expression it‘s open to interpretation.

Tell us a bit about the collaborations!
The track with Mr Peculiar is a melting pot of melodic/FullOn styles, whereas the Aphid Moon track is more dance floor orientated and acidic – reminiscent of an AMD sound. Writing with Lucas was a great learning experience, working alongside a world-class DJ who knows what will rock a dance floor! We also worked with Chameleon to explore a harder style of track.

What can we expect from listening to the album?
We‘ve worked hard to create an album that delivers on the dance floor, but is also rewarding to listen to at home. We spend a lot of time crafting arrangements to give them longevity and depth, revealing greater detail over time; this is to us an important element of the word ‚psychedelic‘.


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