Italy: Music, Parties and Culture!
Since the beginnings Italy has been involved into psytrance. In the 90’s we could already listen to legendary pioneers artists like Etnica/Pleidians (still active right now) and Lotus Omega. Around 2000 a new label called NEUROBIOTIC records, managed by Edoardo […]

The next psychedelic summer trancegatherings of Italy
Italy is lately becoming more and more a psytrance oriented country and the upcoming summer will be really filled up with lots of parties and festivals. The season will start from the next June that will see the 1st festival […]

Italians.psychedelic Trance scene .Keep It Up!!
Great stuff coming from Italy at the moment, after some years of oblivion the culture is finally waking up again and showing off internationally with great artists, serious party organizers and , of course, amazing locations. Starting with Black Moon […]

Exploring the psychedelic Trance scene in Italy
Having his first appearances in Italy in the late nineties, psytrance has grown a lot in these past years. Now we can finally consider our scene mature, active and rich of interesting projects & realities. Looking through the scene, we […]

Psytrance scene in Italy
It can be stated that the Psytrance scene in Italy owes its origins to Goahead, because this was the first real organising group at national level and it was born in 1995. During a few months Goahead was able to […]