For two month now we had a poll on our web site, asking you what is the point for you to visit one of this summers festivals, what are you doing there and what you thinking about these topic. On the following pages you will find the results and some more responses of our readers.
The most important question is Why. What makes you drive several hundred kilometers to party a whole weekend on the greenfield? Is it the lineup, the deco or are your friends dragging you? And what are your eating habits: do you feed yourself with the food offered on the festival or do you go on a supermarket foray before? And how long does it usually take for you to recover from a really good festival or do you plan in advance for a holyday right after? Are you participating in the workshops available or maybe you have ideas what else you would like to sit in on? Your answers have been resolved in the diagrams presented subsequently.
Furthermore we had asked some open questions that resulted in some very interesting answers which we won´t keep back from you.
Watch all results of this survey.
And the winners of the survey are:
Björn Grashorn, Hamburg / Germany
Ankur Sood, Berlin / Germany
Birgit Hesselkamp, Osnabrück / Germany
Jo Weeks, San Remo / Australia
Boris Voglar, Ptuj / Slovenia
Karim Ben Hadj Ali „DJ Apachon’, Sousse / Tunisia
Christopher Hainz, Göttingen / Germany
Angela Wren, München / Germany
Cecilia Dybris Marini, Aarhus / Denmark
Frederic Lucarz, Courbevoie / France
Soon their prizes will be send out.