If the phrase „Goa’ or „Psy Trance’ appears somewhere, quite everybody thinks not only about pushing, psychedelic sounds but also about that brightly coloured decoration at parties. The exhibition Sinneswandel in Berlin dedicates this very special art form until end of May and goes far beyond the scope of things we know from our beloved events.

With their recent exhibition the promoters Tobe and Ellen aka Flash To Be and Sundew approach their dream of an ‘illusion palace’ already for the seventh time: A steady institution, in which artists from all around the world are able to find space to present their projects and visions and exchange with each other. Together with a team of this time around 12 artists they compiled an impressing collection of what is possible with UV-light active colours and materials: From classical paintings, installations and experiments with paint, shapes and different sources of illumination to works that reveal their whole space only when watched through special 3D glasses, Sinneswandeln presents an exciting mixture of different exhibits.

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