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It wasn’t until the 1999 Solipse that Hungary really became the focus point of the international psychedelic community thus giving confidence to a whole new generation of promoters, musicians, DJs, and people generally in love with psychedelic culture to be more involved. Para Halu started producing ten years ago and is now running his own label Psylife Records, releasing his 6th album in 2013.

Hungary1Kalumet, aka Trevor McGregor and Ork Monk, has been creating almost everything from Trance to Dub since the 90s. Insector gained himself worldwide recognition amongst Dark Psy fans and Progressive lovers got someone to be proud of as well: Chromatic released their debut EP on Aerospace’s label Digital Nature last year. Legendary DJ Oleg along with two of the other great talents of this country, Tsubi and Gorgo, have been on tour lately playing at the mighty Boom Festival in Portugal and Rebirth of the Sun in Israel last year.

The rise of O.Z.O.R.A. Festival forever changed the view on Hungary and made this country a really hot destination for psychedelic travelers. O.Z.O.R.A. now welcomes an average of twenty thousand international freaks and hosts not only a massive dance floor but in its “Magic Garden” exhibitions, lectures and performances with guest speakers from all over the world. From May to September the Hungarian countryside is full of hidden places perfectly suitable for friendly open air gatherings. Like for instance the 7 year old Bakony festival held by a breathtaking lake in the woods, the Deeprog gathering, 4.49 festival or X-Files Camp, the first weekend-long gathering of Y-Production. Last but not least there is another highly anticipated event: The first S.U.N. Festival is created by the organizers that left Ozora in 2011 and have joined forces with many tribes from around the globe. S.U.N. festival hosts an impressive international psychedelic line up along with an amazing selection of Ambient artist rarely seen in one event .The S.U.N. festival also brings revolutionary new ideas to the table such as their unique fan-based voting that allows the ticket holders to shape the festival’s line up. S.U.N. promises to give the world yet another Hungarian festival that no doubt will reach great heights.

Hungary2After open air parties in summer it is quite usual to have traffic controls nearby so drunk driving is never a good idea. Drug tests are not in use at parties yet, and club parties are much safer than underground open airs but the Hungarian laws are very strict, so basically even smoking a joint can get you in heaps of trouble. Before or after festivals one should definitely try to relax in one of the famous Hungarian hot spas, especially the ones open until late at night with their outdoor pools. It’s also worth getting a taste of the famous “ruin pub” culture and grab a beer in one of the cozy pubs created in courtyards of old, abandoned buildings in Budapest, like Szimpla or Tundergyar – and don’t forget to try the palinka (Hungary’s speciality, a strong fruit brandy),
which is the one that makes you an instant “Hungarian” and a friend for life!


Balazs Bubbles & Zsuzsanna Hirschl

Para Halu

Para Halu

Para Halu

Did you know, that Hungary‘s ten million citizens speak a crazy language called Hungarian, which is not spoken anywhere else but in this little country in the whole wide world? There are open questions about its origin (we have some common words with the Finnish for example), but it‘s one of the most difficult languages to learn on this planet, right after Mandarin.

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