Solar United Natives
Come and join the family :) The SUN Festival is happening again! Hidden to the valley of Csobánkapuszta.
Festival details
(Info from the organizer)
IMPORTANT UPDATE! Festival had to be postponed to 2022 because of the Hungarian pandemic regulations. Thank you for your understanding!If you have a ticket please contact us!
FONTOS VÁLTOZÁS! A fesztivált 2022-re kellett halasztanunk a járványügyi szabályozás miatt. Köszönjük a megértéseteket!
Ha van jegyed kérjük lépj velünk kapcsolatba, hogy tájékoztassunk a lehetőségekről!
- - -
Come and celebrate the Light with us in the beautiful hidden valley of Csobánkapuszta.
We are preparing with more innovations (such as less artists with longer sets, better food supply, and only compost toilets, etc.) and improved security, so everyone will be able to attend the event in complete peace of mind.
In addition to the tickets you can get memberships too, which is a dedicated donation to support our Foundation's work throughout the year.
▼ About tickets, artists and more info please read below ▼
Gyertek és ünnepeljük közösen a Napot és a Fényt a csodaszép Csobánkapuszta eldugott völgyében.
Több újítást is bevezetünk, például kevesebb fellépő lesz, hogy a szettek hosszabbak lehessenek, illetve jobb étel ellátást, és kizárólag komposzt wc-ket szeretnénk. A fesztivál biztosításán is javítunk, szeretnénk, hogy teljes nyugalomban, önfeledten tudjon mindenki a rendezvényen résztvenni.
A jegyek mellett tagságikat is lehet venni, ez egy olyan célzott adomány, amivel alapítványunk évközbeni munkáját támogatjátok. Támogató tagként Csobánkapuszta rehabilitását és fejlődését is segíted, sőt számodra ingyenesek lesznek évközbeni programjaink.
We do apologize but unfortunately due to the pandemic we can not guarantee that every performing artist will be present at the festival.
Elnézéseteket kérjük, de sajnos a világjárvány miatt nem tudjuk garantálni, hogy minden fellépő művész jelen lesz a fesztiválon.
Contributing artists / Közreműködő művészek:
A.U.M. (RO) live
Albee (SiC)
Alexsoph (DE)
Anchu (HU) live
Anoebis (BE)
Argon Sphere (SRB) live
Ascent & The Key (SRB) live
Attika (HU) live
Aurafood (HU) live
Bat Stan (BE)
Bellegance & Fraser (HU)
Benho (HU)
Beta Tribe (HU)
Big Bacterials (ISR) live
Bobek (HU) live
Boom Shankar (DE)
Botond (HU)
Brian Grassfield (HU) live
Callithrix (HU) live
Cheda (SRB)
Cheeky & Hiboo (HU)
Clayton (UK)
Cord (HU) live
Cosmic Tone (ISR) live
Datacult (DE)
Digital Warfare (HU)
Djane Lissza (HU)
Djane Mir (SRB)
Dorombal (HU)
Fáni Bácsi (HU)
Fiction (SRB) live
Flipper Tripel (ISR) live
Folding Circus (HU) live
Fractal State (SRB) live
Goofy & TIAEN (HU)
Green Cosmos (HU) live
HabooDubz (HU) live
Ikoza (HU)
!rodalmi dubtechno - Electrocat - Tilos radio (HU)
Jon West (ZA)
Journey Into Sound (HU) live
JuliosMap (BR)
Keemiyo (ES) live
KeZo (HU)
Kory (HU)
Kundalini (BG) live
Laos (HU)
Lucky (HU)
Lydia (SRB) live
Makida (SRB) live
Matibhrama (FR) live
Merlin (SRB)
Mesterházy (HU)
Metaverse (HU)
Micasphere (DE)
Micurinis (RO) live
Miso (HU)
Mush (HU)
Nton (HU)
Oleg (HU)
Organic Joy (BRA)
OrgoiHorgoi (HU) live
Oshii (HU)
Pálmester (HU)
Papa (HU)
Parallel Dialog (HU) live
Petar (HU)
Pion (SRB)
Pollux & Zegotha (HU)
Psilocybian (CRO) live
Psycriminal (HU)
Psyletzky (HU)
Psymon (HU)
Psyshadeliyac & AMi Nikoe (IR) live
Quantum Progress (HU)
R3cycle (ISR) live
Redshift (HU) live
Idzaak (HU)
Rix (AT)
Rzial (HU)
Sabiance (HU) live
Satori Snooks (CN)
Selector Hemperor (HU)
Shivatrance Project / I-One / Shivanam (CZ) live
Siblicity (HU) live
Siklay (ISR)
Skarma (HU) live
Snag The Sunshepherd (HU) live
Soul Kontakt (MLT)
SpaceFlux (UK/GR)
Spirit of Sun (HU) live
Static Movement (ISR) live
Stereomantra (HU) live
Stuy (HU)
Subliminal Codes (SRB) live
Thomato (HU)
Titusz (HU)
Toge (HU)
Toxian (HU) live
Trip-X (HU)
Try2Fly (MAC) live
Tuff Steppas feat. Haroon "Babystep" Ayyaz (HU)
Turbo (HU)
Unknownium (CRO) live
Vertex (SRB) live
Viandoks (CN)
Vodi (HU)
Vucko (SRB)
Wasquez (HU)
Yury (HU)
...and more
Super Early Bird: 60 € (limited)
Early Bird: 70 € (limited!)
more tickets coming soon...
The gates open on Monday. Please do not come earlier, because the location counts as a construction-area (with safety regulations different from during the party). Also, the electronic registration system will only start to operate from non.
Weekend tickets are only valid from 6pm on Friday.
It is forbidden to make fire!
You can only pay with cash (Ft & EUR)
There will be video and/or audio recordings on site. With buying the ticket you agree to be recorded and accept that such recordings may be made public without your further permission.
We reserve the right to make changes.
Thank you.
A hivatalos kapunyitás hétfő dél. Kérjük, ne gyertek hamarabb, addig munkaterületként funkcionál a helyszín, és az elektronikus beléptetés is csak hétfő déltől műköik!
A hétvégi jegy péntek du. 6-tól érvényes.
Tüzet gyújtani Tilos!
Csak készpénzzel tudtok fizetni (Ft & EUR)
A fesztivál ideje alatt fotó és videóanyag fog készülni, a jegy megváltásával hozzájárultok, hogy ti is szerepeljetek benne.
A változtatás jogát fenntartjuk!
Köszönjük szépen!
Please support our NON-PROFIT Foundation - - -
Foundation’s name: Mély Mosoly Alapítvány
Address: Virágospuszta 1., Bér, 3045 Hungary
Bank account details:
HU58 1620 0010 1004 2078 0000 0000 (IBAN for HUF transfers)
HU11 1620 0151 1853 0605 0000 0000 (IBAN for EUR transfers)
Swift code: HBWEHUHB
Bank name: MagNet Bank (Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.)
Bank address: Hungary, 1062, Budapest, Andrássy u. 98.
Kérjük támogassátok NON-PROFIT Alapítványunkat - - -
Alapítvány neve: Mély Mosoly Alapítvány
Cím: 3045 Bér, Virágospuszta 1.
Bankszámlaszáma: 16200010-10042078
Forint számla (IBAN): HU58 1620 0010 1004 2078 0000 0000
Eurós számla (IBAN): HU11 1620 0151 1853 0605 0000 0000
Bank neve: MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.
About us:
Location from the air:
Solar United Natives (2015)
20.July – 26.July • Hungary
With only 1 month left for preparations, Solar United Natives is in serious turbulences: Either the gathering formerly known as S.U.N. Festival finds more supporters, or it will be limited to only 1,000 visitors.
Held for the first time in 2013, Solar United Natives gained euphoric feedback from the international festival family and grew rapidly, but it also had to struggle with difficulties behind the scenes. Their 100.000 Facebook fanpage was shut down, and despite the success of their events unpaid bills piled up in the office. Eventually some crew left the organization team disappointed. Now the crew hit the probably worst bump in the road: „The problem is that licensing a festival with more than 1,000 people causes very high legal costs, which are not proportional to the amount of guests. In order to cover the costs, organizers are forced to make a festival a lot bigger – or to keep it under 1,000 people.“ Currently Solar United Natives is organized by „a non-profit NGO, that has a long history of protecting Nature, promoting arts, and educating a higher state of consciousness. The Mély Mosoly Alapítvány (Deep Smile Foundation) started the local forest cleaning movement on Earth Day in Hungary more than 15 years ago, and they have been organizing many different events for almost 20 years (Civil Falu, Deep Smile Café, World Revolution, Symbiote, Live Act Nights, Magic Garden, Earth Dance, Solar Seeds, just to name a few). Once they took part in organizing Ozora and S.U.N. Festival, and now they are trying to save the original S.U.N.“
This year they introduced a unique membership system: You don‘t just buy a ticket, you become part of the project and have the right of co-determination. For instance, members were allowed to vote for artists or details of the festival infrastructure. „It‘s more than a summer festival, it’s a lifelong project with various events. We want you to be more than a one-time guest, we want you to be a member of the project.“ However, facing the situation described above, Solar United Natives urgently needs more members: „In our case we need almost one thousand more supporters to break even, otherwise we must limit the visitor number to 1,000 to avoid paying the expensive licensing process.“ If you want some less technical inspiration to become a member, we strongly recommend to search YouTube for “Heliopolis – The Official 2013 S.U.N. Festival Aftermovie”!
Solar United Natives 2016 – What the people said
SUN – Solar United Natives Gathering 2016
The SUN Gathering took place from 18 – 24 July 2016, and we have some opinions collected for you! And there are some exclusive sets for your ears.
“Eeden Huang ShengLian”This is my first psytrance festival, thought I’d get sick of the genre by the end of it but no I’m more in love! Thank you all you lovely people for making this first experience an amazing one for me, all the good vibes from the tent to the kitchen to the transport and to the dancefloor. Can’t wait to be back soon.
“Misha Hernandez Quintero” I felt the best feeling, the union of our souls feeling the music rumbling beneath our feet , pure air, connected to our mother nature, wild, conscious and happiness … Solar united natives… THANK U so much. See you next year. Peace, light and love for all…
“Basil Monn” Thank you so much for everything it was just beautiful, definitely one of my best festival experiences yet!!! 🙂
“Lorna Buchanan-Jardine” What an absolutely stunning, fun and delightful gathering you all put together! Thank you thank you thank you with all my heart for every piece of creativity, magic and hard work that went into S.U.N Gathering 2016. I met incredible people (many of whom I hope to stay in touch with and see again soon), I danced for many days and nights, and I fell in love with my man all over again every day – it was heaven 🙂 XXX hugs, blessings and gratitude to all of my fellow Solar United Natives
Solar United Natives (2016): Event Update
Solar United Natives 2016: An Update for its members
Solar United Natives 2016 is going to be wonderful, it will take place in the month of July 2016! This is a psychedelic gathering that takes place in Hungary, and the aim of this festival aim is to blend the true spirit of the Goa trance scene with a proactive environmental approach. Working with a host of different projects, and utilizing their own resources, the organizers wish to cultivate a sustainable community.
What makes Solar United Natives special?
This what the organizers say: “Solar United Natives is an initiative to save the original, noble idea once called ‘S.U.N.’, which is totally different from last years’ festival concepts, and only a handful of the previous team members have remained. It’s a revolutionary idea, based on direct democracy and crowd-funding, that is led by the members of a non-profit organisation. An open community that welcomes everyone sharing the same values and mentality. This is the original spirit of the S.U.N.: it shines for everyone! The Summer Gathering is more than what you would call a festival, because the membership is not exclusively valid for this event, rather it is for joining the community and shaping it with your opinion. The Summer Gathering is organized to unite and entertain the members from around the world.”
What’s new ?
The upcoming edition of the event to be held in 2016, is slotted to be bigger than the one held year’s, although more guests will be allowed the organizers guarantee the preservation of the family-vibe. Their website is soon to be updated, so members can exchange ideas, and the sale for memberships will commence next year in January.
Solar United Natives: Winter Solstice indoor gathering
The Winter Solstice indoor gathering: WinterSun on the 26th of December at the Dürer Kert in Budapest will be free for S.U.N. members and only 10 euros donations for the others!
Solar United Natives (S.U.N.) Gathering (2015)
“So if the journey is more important as the destination, we would like it to be a timeless trip, where we only care about each other, learning and teaching, doing our best, helping ego-less, with brave heart and strong intentions to change anything if needed. Or sometimes just simply laugh on ourselves…”
S.U.N. 2015 Summer Gathering will run from 19th July to 26th July, 2015. The 2014 edition took place in Bercel, Hungary, in the month of July. Their stages, the Solar Circle, the Moonlight Temple, and the Tribal Stage, hosted a wide gamut of artists playing music in a wider range of genres.
The theme was called ‘INTERCONNECTED’ and the aim of this event is to use the renewable and 100% environment-friendly energy sources instead of the old fixed line utilities. The event was located beside a Nature’s Reserve forest surrounded by the typical small mountains of Hungary.
Get more information on the events page: Clickety-Clack
Here’s an in-depth with the organizers of the gathering:
Solar United Natives – Looks like a new festival, but it isn’t. What happened to the name “SUN”?When we left the organizing team of Ozora and the new ‘SUN’ was born our goal was to create an equally fair system for everybody, and then somebody tried to take this idea away by registering the name. At the moment it seems that because of the bureaucratic system it will “only” take one year to get it back. Until then we can neither use the expression S.U.N Festival nor our Facebook page that connected us to over 110.000 of our fans.
However, the S.U.N. letters stand for “Solar United Natives”, so we simply switched to the long version. Also, we are not only a festival any more: the brand is used by a non-profit foundation and their community projects, which was the original spirit: The Sun can not be a property of one – it shines for everyone. Copyright free!
What about your team, any changes?
There are many changes, because we switched from a company to a non-profit organization. After last year’s financial problems due to the huge amount of stuff we had to build we learnt how important it is to aim for an organic growth and to focus on our values rather than getting in the race.For us it means an end of the super-giga production era and the dawn of organic and sustainable growth.The costs of megalomaniac commercial festivals are covered by expensive tickets and overpriced drinks. The S.U.N. must be project-oriented and non-profit, where the money is only spent according to the the wishes of the community and our financial limits. So our team has expanded by the community itself! There are many constant family members though: the BMSS crew, TesseracTstudio, Ultimae, Iboga, IONO Music, Global Illumination, Alpha & the Interzone-PA, the dear PsyClean Crew, and many more good hearted people who stayed with us after the hard years. Therefore this is a gathering which welcomes everybody who feels being a part of our family: young, old or even children with their parents, as this is really a family gathering in every way.
On your website, there’s the term “new consciousness community” – a term that goes far beyond the idea of a music festival. Can you please tell us some words about it?People gathering and resynchronizing on transformational festivals – we can agree that the goa scene is a large international community, and we think that it is this community having various events rather than the parties having their crowd. The new website is more about this worldwide community: it will function as a forum for voting on different green projects, programs, artists, installations and it is your choice to delegate whatever you feel is most important. The finances will work according to the “glass-pocket” principle, which everyone knows exactly what the money was spent on.
We are open for other festivals, gatherings, community places and events to be represented on our homepage. This is our way of experimenting with social evolution: a new perspective on democracy, crowd-funding and hopefully the next step towards a truly conscious existence. Our hope is that the basis of this concept could turn into something that might shape the way festivals, towns or countries are managed in the future.
What do you think makes your summer gathering special, what are the most interesting points?
The land in Csobánkapuszta is really special, in many ways. It’s beautiful with the various green areas and the lake, it has an ancient history, and it’s located in a hidden region. The whole place is very exciting. We started some area re-cultivation and experimenting with environmentally friendly techniques like the organic structures planted last year.
It is also important to mention that from this year the gatherings are ‘members-only’ events, so there will be no tickets sold at the gates, also the number of visitors is limited. We believe that this will help to create a gathering that puts less pressure on our Mother Earth, that is safe and secure and has well-sized infrastructure with enough water, showers and toilets.
The collective Kundalini lifting idea is also unique, where a larger group of people can go through an active Chakra meditation connected to the 7 colours, 7 planets, 7 harmonic sounds during the 7 days.
Any other things you would like to highlight?
The Kaleidoscope is certainly one of the highlights: combining Dave Arc-I’s original 360 degree idea with the mirroring Dodecahedron gives you the feeling of standing in the center of an infinite space of reflections. This year the visuals here will be interactive and more tailored to the 360 degree wide screens. Another technical highlight will be the artistic usage of 3D printers to create zeotrope living sculptures. There will be much more ideas and green projects to support – so I encourage everybody to visit our website (coming soon)!
Until then, check out their Facebook page:
S.U.N. Festival • 22.07.-27.07.2014 • Hungary
Theme for 2014 S.U.N. Festival edition is “INTERCONNECTED”
The final aim of the S.U.N. Festival is to use the renewable and 100% environment-friendly energy sources instead of the old fixed line utilities. In the Eco Village experiment they are trying to set up a more natural, harmonic and fair system to try out the new ‘paradigm shifting’ ways and then share our instructive experiences with the world.
We are free.
Each of us is a magical universe that can not be put in any boxes. We must support all kinds of art and self-expression techniques to teach and learn important non-verbal knowledge. There will be workshops and other possibilities for creative artists to introduce and develop their special genius, because a better working and much happier society would consist people taught to use their skills and talent.
We are one.
Self-controlling, direct-democratic, Nature and Life loving festival… The settling community is well aware of the great possibility and responsibility that they get with the power of the special human capabilities: the creativity of the mind, the feelings of our soul, the strength of our mutual interactions, and our continuous impact on the surrounding Universe.
Founding and Honorary Members & Organisations
- Access All Areas Network
- Ultimae Records
- Alpha (Interzone pa.)
- Summerside
- Extradimensional Space Agency
- Moksha Project
- FM Booking
- Iboga Records
- Flying Rhino
- T.I.P. Records
- Platipus Records
- Global Illumination
- Brother Moon Sister Sun Records
- Napszövetség (Sun Association/Heliostaff)
- T.O.T.E.M.
- IONO Music
- Ovnimoon Records
- The BOOM Crew, Portugal
- Indigo Festival, Israel
- Somuna Festival, Switzerland
- Transition Festival
- Glade Festival
- 4.49 Festival
- Psyweekend Crew
- S.U.N. Studio @ Metropol
Solar circle
- Absolum (3D Vision Records) – FR
- Agent M vs. Sundi (SpiralExit) -HUN
- Alpha ( – GER
- Atmos (Iboga Records/Atmotech) – SWE
- Avalon (Nano Records) – UK
- Banel aka Behind Blue Eyes (Iboga Records) – DK
- Boom Shankar (BMSS Records) – GER
- Bumbling Loons (Flying Rhino ) – UK
- Burn in Noise (Alchemy Records) – BR
- Captain Hook (Iboga Records) – ISR
- Christof dj set (3D Vision Records) – FR
- C.O.P. (Blue Room /M.A.S.H. Records) – GER/FR
- Cubixx (IONO Music) – GER
- Dickster (Nano Records) – UK
- E- Clip (IONO Music) – SRB
- Eat Static (Mesmobeat) – UK
- Emok (Iboga Records) – DK
- Etnica (Etnicanet) – IT
- Filteria (Filteria Music/Suntrip ) – SWE
- Gaudi (Gaudi music) – UK
- Gaudium (Iboga Records) – SWE
- Hallucinogen (Twisted Records) – UK
- Hux Flux (Planet B.E.N. Records) – SWE
- Kraak (SpiralExit) – HUN
- Liquid Soul (Iboga Records) – CH
- Logic Bomb Classic set (T.I.P. Records) – SWE
- Loopstep (IONO Music) – NL
- Lucas (T.I.P. Records ) – UK
- Merkaba (Zenon Records) – AUS
- Midimal (Iboga Records) – CH
- Mwnn (Dragonfly Records) – UK
- Oleg (S.U.N. Festival/Deepsmile) – HUN
- Omka (S.U.N. Festival/Moksha ) – ISR
- Optiloop (IONO Music) – GR/NL
- Perfect Stranger (Iboga Records) – ISR
- Pleaidians (Etnicanet) – IT
- Prana dj set by Tsuyoshi (Matsuri ) – JP
- Regan (Nano Records) – RSA
- Ritmo (Iboga Records) – ISR
- Sensient (Zenon Records) – AUS
- Shakta (Dragonfly ) – UK
- Shane Gobi (Alchemy Records) – UK
- Shayman (Nano Records) – ISR
- Shpongle dj set by Simon Posford (Twisted Records) – UK
- SideForm (Tesseract Studio) – SRB
- Solar Fields (Ultimae Records) – SWE
- Sonic Entity (IONO Music/YSE) – SRB
- Tetrameth (Weapon /Zenon Records) – AUS
- Vertical Mode (HOM Mega ) – ISR
- Vibrasphere sun set by Robert Elster (Tribal Vision) – SWE
- X-Dream Retro set by Jan Muller (Solstice Music International)
- Younger Brother (Twisted Records) – UK
Chill-Out Cathedral
- Aes Dana (Ultimae Records) – FR
- Asura (Ultimae Records) – FR
- Buxi (Psybaba Records) –HUN
- BB303 (HumanTouch) – HUN
- Carbon Based Lifeforms (Ultimae Records) –SWE
- Cell (Ultimae Records) – FR
- Eat Static Chill out set (Mesmobeat) – UK
- Fishimself (IT the Place/Freeze Magazine) – GR
- Gaudi chill out set (Gaudi music) – UK
- Hallucinogen in Dub by Ott (Twisted Records) – UK
- James Monro chill techno set (Flying Rhino) – UK
- Kalya Scintilla (Zenon Records) – AUS
- Kaya Project dj set (Interchill Records) – UK
- Mahiane (Ultimae Records) – FR
- Ott (Ottsonic ) – UK
- Simon Baring (Neon Booking) – UK
- Solar Fields (Ultimae Records) – SWE
- Sync 24 (Ultimae Records) – SWE
- Vibrasphere chill out set by Robert Elster (Tribal Vision ) – SWE
Live music during the day, instrument workshops, all kinds of electronic genres during the night.
Line-up to be announced later.
Gallery Mystica
Showcasing visionary art.
A space dedicated to contemporary psychedelic video art and AV performances.
Line-up to be announced later.
S.U.N. garden, handcraft market, healing area, lectures & workshops, psy-cinema, children’s area.
The land is located among small mountains in a hideaway valley in beautiful Nature. A small lake with its water feeding spring head is the center of the festival area in a valley system surrounded by large forests. Hundred years ago people lived there in ‘prairies’ but lately this zone of Hungary is getting more and more unoccupied. We hope that beside making a great festival we can also bring positive change to the whole district.
More Infos @ & Facebook
Solar United Natives on Facebook
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