Invisible Reality was born in 2002 when Shamil Abramov and Igor Sorin started to work together, they released and felt that something mysterious happening to their music and people should to see that reality through their music !
Shamil was born in Azerbaijan in 1981 and emigrated to Israel in 1994 , Igor was born in Belarusin 1985 and emigrated too to Israel in 1990 to northern city Maalot where he met Shamil.
In 2007 they signed at German label IONO music and already released many tracks also debut album “Visibility” in 2009 that showed progressive music fans new point of viewing .
In 2011 they released their second album “Parallel fantasy” which gave people new unique sound of Invisible Reality.
Their third album “Underworld” was released at February 2015 with fresh and clever crystal sound.
IR already played abroad in counties like Germany,Switzerland,Denmark,Russia , Canada and more ….They had made remixes and colabs with legends like Atmos , Haldolium , Oforia ….. also nowdays stars like Ritmo , Innerstate , Mindwave and more …
Invisible Reality promise never stop making and improving their music and allways be original !
Each of them (Shamil and Igor ) has his own skills to make magic in their music.
Igor completely talented musician and composer that learned music from early age,Shamil have great technical and mixing skills so together it makes perfect formula for making their magic music.
Invisible Reality can be described as Psychedelic Progressive and Mystic magic music that enters you to special mood reality !
Invisible Reality – Listen and enter

Your life-story and relationship with your work

Tell us a little about you and your work:
We are really trying get new sound working a lot of exploring new frequencies and kinds of music

Currently what projects are you working on? And what future plans have you chalked out for yourself?
Currently working alot on 432 hz music also remixes and all what we have in our mind

What influenced you to get into your field?:
Well hard to tell but all progressive old artists definitely made it to us

As an artist, what role do you think you play in society?:
Well we think too develop and bring new and freshens to our scene is nesecary

You obviously love what you do…but what do you love the most about your work?:
Well exploring new dimensions for sure

Creating on a regular basis can be a bloody tough job, so what motivates you to press yourself into the workstation every single day?:
Thoughts that we waste time on other stuf

Everybody has to start somewhere, usually at the bottom of the ladder, either as the bus-boy or the shoe-shiner. What was the very first job you had?:
Well it was from garden keeping and on …. we don’t shy of any work so all fine

What is your second love? What’s the alternative career path you would have travelled if you were not on the one you are right now?:
Second love is kids for sure

Share your experiences and your characteristics/personality

No man is an island’- they say, in this light, what quality do you admire the most in others?:
Well we like about our self is not giving up never

Sometimes life can be quite a – insert word that rhymes with witch. Which phase was the hardest/scariest in your life?:
All temporarily

Any embarrassing moments? Yes, you’d hate to disclose your secrets but we’d love to hear.:
Well there is a lot of that but one day we remember we out CD from CDJ that played was pretty embarrassing

Everybody’s got favourites…so what’s your favourite work/piece among everything that you’ve designed/produced/dj-ed/created? (Link us up!):
Our favorite is well maybe our first album

Name a few of your all time favourite tracks. (From other artists if you are producer).:
Ticon – We are mammoth hunters Jaia – Mai Mai

When have you been most satisfied in your life? Care to share one of your happiest memories?:
Well maybe first international performance in Swiss

Into the time machine again. What do you miss about being a kid?:


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