After studying at the school of arts Johan Potma from the Netherlands tried to resume as freelance illustrator, but it was tough going. Fortunately for contemporary art he met the artist Mateo in his adoptive home Berlin a short time afterwards, who is complementing him stylistically quite wonderfully…
This one, whose creative work wonderfully completed with the style of Johan, encouraged him to rather focus on his real talent, painting, and to gather more experience. Some time later not only a deep friendship had developed but also the mutual gallery Zozoville in Berlin’s Mainzer Straße opened, a place that with its freaky charm has become a spectacular sight of the German capital. There is no typical working day for Johan but he still loves to get lost in playful doodling with a pen. This is also the intuitive way in which his motives evolve, inspired by everyday life in all its different facets. A huge compliment for him was somebody had one of his paintings tattooed. But still Johan is pleased most when old and young people look at his work and start laughing freely.