When did you start ? in the begining, i was driving my truck on the i 95 interstate from n.y o florida. an hour or so past sunrise, it suddenly strike me – fractals and fashion can be a winning match.
Please tell me about the history of your fashion label ? The designs was worked through a several years of constantly getting knoe ideas and developing them towards fashion and printing abilities. i know that is only a matter of time until technology will be able to deliver a suficuant printing qualities to fulfill this kind of art on fashion – and it certainly did
Whats the style of your label ? style is still developing, and categories is gates for my mind.. on the summer 2009 collection there will be more dynamic and less centerized designs, with two or three stong colors in a design. more work with lines,thing that looks like psychedelic engravings and so on..i will share the designs in a pre production gallery on psywear.com or the blog that will is already up on psywear.com/wordpress and will become busy soon.
Please tell more about your concept ? the main concept is preety much the same as in fractal art that is made for screen/display,as i described in my other mail to you,with one difreency, that in fashion i many times try to concentrate the work to be one centered symbolic image.
With which materials do you produce your clothes ? right now we all our cloth is 100% cotton
What inspires you ? Where people or shops can buy your clothes ?
people that are not from israel can currently only order online, shop owners can  contact me through www.psywear.com
Do you have a stall at festivals ? If yes where ? no,but if ill get an invitation i promise to come