Here’s an amazing campaign called “EmmaSofia” which aims to help lift the ban on MDMA (‘ecstasy’) and psychedelics (such as psilocybin, found in ‘magic mushrooms’). This project is the brain-child of two scientists; PÃ¥l-Ørjan Johansen and Teri Krebs.

They have carried out a number of studies on the subject, and their research on MDMA & psychedelics was funded by a grant from the Norwegian government. They also carried out the first meta-analysis of LSD for the treatment of alcoholism, as well as the first large population study of mental health in people who have used psychedelics.  The duo has worked for years, in furthering medical research with psychedelics and human rights for psychedelic users.

They have now started a crowd-funding campaign, which will help them achieve the following:

  • Contribute in scientific journals.
  • Contribute in global media.
  • Prepare a formal request to the World Health Organization (WHO) to remove MDMA and psychedelics from the schedules of the UN 1971 Psychotropic Convention.
  • Participate in the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs in NYC, in order to, in the words of the Global Commission on Drug Policy: “Ensure that the international conventions are interpreted and/or revised to accommodate robust experimentation with harm reduction, decriminalization, and legal regulatory policies.”
  • Assist in human rights court cases involving MDMA and psychedelics.
  • Prepare for clinical trials in Norway. We will seek state funding for the trials themselves, but protocol development, project acquisition, and application processes are resource-demanding.
  • Develop an MDMA/psychedelic clinic in Oslo, which will welcome international clients. The clinic will treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcoholism, drug addictions, and other disorders.

Impressed? Now check out their campaign page:


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