They know how to get also those going, who normally regard ‘minimal’ music to be a bad influence at Psy Trance parties. But of course the sound of Minimal Criminal is far away from the apathetic boredom that is associated with this term by some. Their powerful, dark tunes represent an own style that is stimulating and psychedelic as it can be but still refreshing different from the contemporary Full On or Dark productions. Exciting news accordingly that Bruno Souza De Lima and Valerio Zhyin just presented their long awaited debut album “Minimus Maleficarum” on Cosmic Conspiracy Records.
‘Our name is a salute to the minimal Psy Trance music from the late 90s, early 00s. Some of our music follows the principles of minimalism. We use simple themes which evolve with repetition. The music never gets too full. Synth sounds and FX have their own spaces in the track. An advantage of making the music slower and giving it more space is that it becomes more heavy and crunchy by doing so’, one of the two Brazilians explains. Pursuing a retro vibe, many vintage synths can be heard on the new album. Another characteristic is the extensive usage of samples taken from movies of the 50s, 60s and 70s: Quite every track includes one as kind of main theme and therefore tells its own, profound story. Movie titles like »Reefer Madness«, »Tobor, the Great« or »Alice in Acidland« proof that though the sound of Minimal Criminal is rather dark and strong, it never loses a humorous wink. The album is also influenced by the extensive travelling of the two producers: In the end, it was made in 4 or 5 home studios in 4 different countries. Rounded up by a top-notch mastering and an appealing artwork, “Minimus Maleficarum” is definitely something to watch out for!
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Minimal Criminal
“Minimus Maleficarum”
“Cosmic Conspiracy Records”
Only few labels have specialized in this subgenre of sound within the Psy Trance scene. Cosmic Conspiracy Records did so and the available release is an exciting proof for their steady search and evolution: On their debut album, the Minimal Criminal dudes live up to their name and present their unique blend of Minimal Psychedelica,
Techno and Progressive. Dark and hypnotic but still humorous with every title telling its very own story.