A quick interview with Udi Sternberg aka Psysex on his production gear.
Luca: Any new audio gear that you’ve purchased?
Udi: Yes, Doepfer ms404 and Waldorf micro Q both are synths from the late 90’s with a fat metallic analog sound. I also got Eventide plugins, that were only for protools till not so long ago and since last year are working as audio unit/Vst,
.L: What motivated you to select these products?
U: Just listening to it
.L: Which features do you like most about this product?
U: The ms404 is a mono synth similar to a Roland tb 303, just with different lfo’s and pitch modulators,the sound it generates is very unique and futuristic. As for the micro Q ,waldorf in general have amazing wave table options in their synths…
.L: How has this product helped your music production/live performance?
U: Any synth is a tool to generate sound,they are used in all of my latest tracks the eventide plugins especially as reverbs and modulations ,they are so powerful ,they can change what comes inside of them to a new sound.
.L: Any feature would you like modfied or included?
U: Not really ,I’m happy about how they operate, really love old synths. they are so logic .
.L; Your all time favourite audio-gear?
U: Roland Juno 60 – Roland Sh 101 ,Clavia Nord lead 1, Eventide Eclipse/H8000. The roland ones are the most classic ,they remind me of the sounds from the first trance and techno tracks from the late 80’s and early 90’s. The fact that they still function like new after almost 40 years is amazing 🙂