mushroom magazine ten years ago
***Israeli Fullon legend Yahel is self-confident: “I have no problem being commercial. I make music I like – and music other people like. If they are happy, I am happy. I don’t care about the critics, as long as I see the people smiling during my gigs.” Also, he’s quite prophetic: “I think there’ll come a day when a DJ just plugs in his flash drives and starts the show.”***
***the future has begun: Broadband internet has become readily available, and that created a new generation of DJing. Equipment companies present more and more gear that is designed to play and manipulate all the sound that is now digitally available.***
***a review describes U-Recken’s album “Aquatic Serenade” as the perfect balance of power and beauty***
***an article with the title “Where are the female Trance artists?” ponders on the gender roles in the scene***
***the name of the popular South African label NANO Records is inspired by a speech of psychonaut and writer Terence McKenna.***
***Soulclipse Festival, held in Turkey around the full solar eclipse, was a muddy mayhem, tremendous trance, and ecologically quite doubtful***
***UK producer Matt Allaby in interview: „Son Kite, Vibrasphere, Ticon have all been putting out quality tracks for years. Scandinavian music has many levels. At it‘s best it can also portray emotion without getting too soppy which is very difficult.“***
Stay tuned for our next episode of “ten years ago”!