Wolf Body Magic

Wolf’s Body Magic

After 3D effects hit the cinemas recently, now there is also a special 3D Body Painting. But what’s the point, the one or the other might ask, of three-dimensional colour effects on human bodies, which are –other than cinema screens- of three-dimensional nature anyway? Well, it is pretty simply: Because it looks really beautiful und creates quite a flashy effect. And aren’t beautiful, flashy things pretty much what our scene is about?

Looking at the models, who have been painted by Wolf Reichert, really reminds a party: Twisted, psychedelic artworks made from fluorescent, black light active colours meet the organic elegance of human bodies and create the impression of fantastic entities from alien worlds. Only this experience is very impressive. But the vice- world champion in the matter of Body Paining from South Germany even goes the extra mile by putting some special glasses onto the noses of the observers: ‘The CromaDepth effect enables people to experience a very special three-dimensional effect.

The contrast of visual depth is increased. When you put red and blue next to each other, one of the colours will always appear to be floating The glasses increase this effect’. Up to know, Wolf and his living artworks could have been seen at the various events of the world-wide Body Painting scene as well as at special exhibitions. But: Floating, fluorescent colours upon moving bodies Doesn’t that remind you something? At mushroom magazine the psychedelic potential of this kind art for our most popular weekend activities has been realized.

So now the idea is to integrate Wolf’s body magic into the concept of a party where his special body paintings, performances and visuals complement each other and create a new dimension of decoration art. More information about this idea available at the editorial.


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