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Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink

Jeder kennt Mr. Pink von den großen Festivals. Er ist halb nackt und in rosa gemalt und springt aus der Menge, als ob er aus einer anderen Dimension entsprungen

Pumayana – spiritual art

Pumayana – spiritual art

Pumayana means “Black Jaguar”. He has the gift to create snapshots from his experiences and translate his vision into some artwork.

Anki Design

Anki Design

Die Modeschöpfungen des Berliner Labels ANKI ART & DESIGN verzaubern durch ausgefallene Schnitte, perfekte Passform und ungewöhnliche Materialkombinationen.



Since 2001, Symbolika has been dedicated to producing highly unique, experimental visionary and psychedelic artworks inspired by shamanic experiences

Anahata Designs

Anahata Designs

Anahata Designs strives to translate the magic of places into the language of the beautiful West Coast, creating wearable art sculptures that speak to the heart



SumBodyArt’s Home BodyPainting, a mixture of bodypainting photography, bodypainting dance videos and live bodypainting performances

ISART Design

ISART Design

ISART has the essence of wild spirits. Participates over the years in various cultural projects and events. It aims to show a new story.

Hexagon Independent Clothing

Hexagon Independent Clothing

Hexagon is bringing you the best independent brands from all over the world with a great and friendly online experience and a fair customer service.

SOL – Seed Of Life

SOL – Seed Of Life

S.O.L’s designs contain potent symbols that inspire mind and soul, that embody ideas of great and wise philosophers

Luna Design

Luna Design

Stepping out beyond the limitations of conventional high street fashion, Luna Designs are inspired by the grace and beauty of magic and nature.

Psylo Fashion

Psylo Fashion

Every Psylo piece of clothing is more than stitched fabrics thrown together to meet the demand of trendsetters. It is the result of a deeply thought of process

Wo kommen die Thai-Kissen her?

Wo kommen die Thai-Kissen her?

Die Produktion dieser Kissen hält ein ganzes Dorf auf Trab, doch das hat ihnen Glück, gute Lebensbedingungen und Unabhängigkeit von der Reisernte gebracht…



Intelligente Mode für Individualisten, mit der sowohl der aktuelle Zeitgeist getroffen, als auch die persönliche Note des Einzelnen unterstrichen wird!

Arne & Telisee

Arne & Telisee

Lernt mehr über das Dekoteam, das schon Festivals und Clubs wie zum Beispiel die Psychedelic Circus, Vaikuntha, Voov Experience und viele weitere dekoriert hat!

The Mind Heart Connection

The Mind Heart Connection

The Mind Heart Connection is a music project that involves the human spirit, the balance through the life itself. It´s like the human heart as a muscle, which feeds on the lifegiving nutrients brought to it by blood circulation. Then it comes your brain, is that the...

Phoenyx & Fox

Phoenyx & Fox

Große Auswahl nachhaltiger Produkte aus fairem Handel: Außergewöhnliche Kleidung, Juggling – Toys und Accessoires, Wohnaccessoires, Dekoration…

Greenhouse Seeds


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