German parliament adopts amendment of law regarding hemp medicine

Imprisonment for industrial hemp

Imprisonment for industrial hemp

Going to jail for inactive industrial hemp? In Germany this might obviously become possible as
a company dealing with inactive hemp must now experience.

Cannabis Congress in Hamburg

Cannabis Congress in Hamburg

Proponents of a change of the national narcotics law met for coordination with cities, municipalities and communities.

Hemp medicine in Germany

Hemp medicine in Germany

The German parliament has been debating since July, how exactly the planned amendment regarding hemp medicine shall be implemented in the next year.

Life Sentence for Grower

Life Sentence for Grower

Zwei Hanfzüchter wandern hinter schwedische Gardinen Zwei Grower aus Österreich sollen als Drahtzieher einer größeren Gruppe von Hanfzüchtern lebenslänglich hinter Gitter wandern. Es geht um mehr als 350 Kilo Gras. Grower, die im großen Stil Cannabis...

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