Manula is a Hamburg-based UV-artist. She introduces herself here 🙂
The club was at a light house, where everything was usually gray and a bit dingy. But on this day it was quite the contrary. It was colourful, luminious and full of the scent of incense. I fell in love – like Alice in Wonderland. At the time it was impossible to buy black-light bodypaint. The only thing I used for my face were UV-poster-colours. With those I painted my first Mandalas.
Manula’s Way to Bodypainting
I frequently visited Hamburg and Berlin until 1999. At the time I had the opportunity to experience different events and exhibitions, because my partner at the time and future husband was involved in the scene. My favorit club in Hamburg was Atisha in Eppendorf. I even celebrated my wedding there.
The recently deceased artist Steffen Reck helped me on my way. My first gig was at the Spirit of Moska, followed by a few events and one festival. After the summer of 2015 I continued my way and met people who saw and recognized my desire to “Mitteilungsbedürfnis”. Thanks to them I’m here, with my own fanpage and close to 900 Likes. I’m booked out – but what is most important – I’m surrounded by people I love. I’m looking forward to the coming experiences and developements of Myself.
Much gratitude,
Your Manula-UV