Reality is an illusion– this is the predominant message handed to us by the wisest of minds: the great philosophers, the shamans, and the spiritually ascended
Dissolving Illusion
As our world passes through a turbulent period…a hidden force steers the course of collective consciousness into an undesirable future, but there are many of us who desire an exit from this manufactured projection.
However…an invisible fabric locks us in: this fabric is the foundation of the illusion, and it thrives on reactions both positive & negative. A dream needs a dreamer, and the illusion needs reactions, which solidifies it’s own ‘reality’. This exact reason leads to the concept of detachment practiced by the enlightened on our planet.
Neutrality/Detachment is not inaction or apathy – do what’s right i.e. if you see injustice, step in, take action, but there’s no reason to get unreasonably angry, or overtly righteous. Think of the fabric as being a spider’s web, and you the insect…the more the insect struggles, the deeper it’s enmeshed – likewise the more you react, the more you attach yourself to the projection…only the path of neutrality initiates the process of a melting web. Freedom awaits you…all you need to do is let go.