Venus Colada

Venus Colada

Served in form of the cocktail Venus Colada, the sensual experience is even extended by a delicious exotic taste.

Albert Hofmann

Albert Hofmann

Kaum hatte ich das Buch in der Hand, zog mich seine Aufmachung in ihren Bann. Unzählige Fotos aus dem Privatleben des berühmten Chemikers, von seinen Zusammenkünften mit intellektuellen Persönlichkeiten, seinen Reisen, sogar ein Schnappschuss vom jungen Hofmann auf...

Drug Info

Drug Info

Looking at the chemical structure of methoxetamine, it is very similar to ketamine, which is why it fits into the dissociative family of drugs. To understand the effect of these substances, it is important to know that human personality consists of various aspects:...

Drugstore News

Drugstore News

In the Basque Region, there are various cannabis clubs which cultivate the plant and distribute its products among their members. These clubs used to be part of a legal grey area – now they are legal. In Germany, the biggest left-wing party recently demanded a very...

Drugstore News

Drugstore News

120 mg of MDMA might be too much. High dosages of this substance provoke side-effects like grinding jaws, fluttering eyelids and nerves, or even attacks of sudden cramps. Also, an overdose will make the body temperature rise and it might provoke hallucinations. Common...

Drugstore News

Drugstore News

The Nightlife Empowerment & Well-being Implementation Project (NEWIP) is a European network that connects some of the major party projects, such as Energy Control, Techno Plus, ChEck iT!, Zurich´s Drug Checking service, and more. The project proposes specific...

Moonwalk Melon Man

Moonwalk Melon Man

A mixture of laid-back calmness and clear presence of mind characterises the Moonwalk, one of Sensatonics’ classic Herbal Kicks.

Royal Queen Seeds

Royal Queen Seeds

For the past years, the Royal Queen Seeds company has been an important actor on the constantly expanding cannabis seed market. Thanks to reasonable prices, the high quality of the seeds, active participation in creation and distribution of female seeds and the...

Drug cutting-agents in Marihuana

Drug cutting-agents in marihuana sold on the black market remain a serious issue all around the world. Added in order to artificially maximize weigh and optical impression, they can cause serious health damage.

Albert Hofmann und sein LSD

Albert Hofmann und sein LSD

Unter diesem Titel veröffentlichte der Schweizer AT Verlag kürzlich die erste Biografie des Chemikers Albert Hofmann, dessen Entdeckung des LSD maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung unserer Szene und ihrer psychedelischen Vorläufer hatte und bis heute hat. Laut...

Polizeipräsident für liberale Drogenpolitik

Polizeipräsident für liberale Drogenpolitik

Der Münsteraner Polizeipräsident Hubert Wimber hat sich in einer Veranstaltung der Uni Münster für eine liberalere Drogenpolitik ausgesprochen. Damit wiederholte er eine Forderung, die er bereits im Jahre 2009 vorgebracht hatte. Während die Lokalpresse damals noch...

Psychedelic fungi and cacti legalized in Czech Republic

Psychedelic fungi and cacti legalized in Czech Republic

The cultivation of magic mushrooms and psychedelic cacti like peyote or San Pedro is now entirely legal in Czech Republic. As approved by the cabinet on 28th November, they will be removed from the 'black list' of drugs. As a matter of fact, the very liberal drug laws...



120 mg of MDMA might be too much. High dosages of this substance provoke side-effects like grinding jaws, fluttering eyelids and nerves, or even attacks of sudden cramps. Also, an overdose will make the body temperature rise and it might provoke hallucinations. Common...

Original Kavatza

Original Kavatza

Mit einer raffinierten Mischung aus Funktionalität und Ästhetik präsentiert Kavatza eine Reihe pfiffiger Utensilien für Raucher aller Art. Die Idee: Alles sofort zur Hand, Lösung der unvermeidlichen Krümel-Problematik und das ganze praktisch und ansehnlich verpackt,...



Frische Minze, spritzige Limette, süßer Rohrzucker schon die Aufzählung dieser Zutaten weckt tropische Fantasien und lässt das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen. Kein Wunder, dass der Mojito weltweit zu den beliebtesten Cocktails zählt! Veredelt mit dem Kräuterelixier...

mushroom at the hemp fairs

mushroom at the hemp fairs

Psy Trance culture is more than music and decoration. Rather, it consists of a multitude of different aspects, one of which is hemp culture. The therapeutic properties of the hemp plant have been known since ancient times. Thus they are an increasingly important part...



After being a very popular product in Smart Shops for many years, magic mushrooms with hallucinogenic properties became illegal in the Netherlands in December 2008. However, there still are truffles. Also known as sclerotia or philosopher stones, their main active...

General Hydroponics Europe

General Hydroponics Europe

Founded in the mid 70's near San Francisco, General Hydroponics was a joint venture of a group of scientists, researchers and technicians who shared the vision of a new era of plant cultivation. One of their first concepts was the 'Family Farm', which allowed a family...

Cannafest – November 25th – 27th – Incheba Expo, Prague

Cannafest – November 25th – 27th – Incheba Expo, Prague

Attracting a pleasantly large number of visitors and exhibitors from all around Europe and even the world, last year's first edition of Cannafest turned out a great success. Actually no wonder: Pursuing a liberal drug policy and especially realizing more and more the...

Bad Pills

Bad Pills

Reacting to numerous requests, we present you pill reports in this issue. Some years ago, the scientific analysis of party drugs used to be a regular feature in mushroom magazine. We used to present the data form Germany's party organization DROBS Hanover. Since this...

Greenhouse Seeds


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