

Since the first hour Grass O Matic is among the leading figures of what could be described as “the automatic cannabis revolution”.

Pyramid Seeds

Pyramid Seeds

Feminised seeds selected from high quality hybrids for their special properties. Discover their power and stability. These are their best: Tutankhamon A selection of Ak 47, has one of the highest THC’s. Becomes a small, compact and...

Homegrown Fantaseeds

Homegrown Fantaseeds

Jaap, the owner and driving force behind Homegrown Fantaseeds early on started breeding projects with outstanding genetics available in 1997



Sie lieben das Leben, aber scheren sich nicht um die goldene Mitte. Sie sind Dropouts und Freaks – wie du und ich. Ihre Freundschaft schweisst sie...

The New Ways

The New Ways

If you are looking for the latest technology and futuristic design then have a look at the bongs of New Ways.


ENCOD hält den internationalen Trend der Reform der Drogenpolitik für unumkehrbar ( In Berlin wird ernsthaft drüber nachgedacht, einen Coffeeshop zu...

Whats Up

Ein Jahr voll Hoffnung machender Schlagzeilen ENCOD hält den internationalen Trend der Reform der Drogenpolitik für unumkehrbar ( In Berlin wird ernsthaft...

Book release: Coffeeshop Guide Amsterdam 2014

Book release: Coffeeshop Guide Amsterdam 2014

Every year seven million tourists are visiting Amsterdam, from which one and a half million are visiting a coffeeshop. For the mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan, this argument was quite enough to stand up against the ‘weed pass’ which was introduced in the...



18.-20.10.2013 – Eventpyramide Wien Internationale Hanfmesse im botanischen Garten – Nützliche, wegweisende und unterhaltsame Produktneuheiten aus der Welt des Hanf, Vorträge über dessen vielfältige Verwendungsmöglichkeiten, Schlemmerei und Partyspaß vom Feinsten: Die...

Golosa Water

Golosa Water

Right on time for the summer – a „golosal“ refreshment now available in Germany and Spain - Golosa, the fresh and unique hemp-water from Switzerland. After more than 3 years of wrangling with German authorities about issues like bottle deposit and what should be...

Hemp News

Hemp News

Decriminalization in Vermont Remember last year‘s astounding news about cannabis legalisation in US states Colorado and Washington? Things still roll. As of July decriminalization takes effect in the state of Vermont. Now for adults 21 and older possession of up to an...

Drugstore News

Reefer Madness Upgraded to Zombie 1.0 Recently we read several gory headlines concerning incidences where people were trying to devour other people after supposedly having ingested some herbals. Goes by the name ‚cloud nine‘, allegedly makes you turn zombie. Yes, this...

Verhalten bei einer Polizeikontrolle

Verhalten bei einer Polizeikontrolle

Die Polizei sucht (oder behauptet einfach) Anlässe, um einzuhaken und zu vertiefen. Hier erfährst Du, wie Du Dich in einer Polizeikontrolle am besten verhälst


Der deutsche Growland Online Growshop hat für Euch die besten Produkte und jegliches Zubehör für die erfolgreiche Pflanzenzucht im Sortiment: Pflanzentöpfe und Hydrokultur-Systeme, Düngemittel, Lüftungsanlagen oder Beleuchtung. Ob Du Anfänger oder Profi bist, Growland...

DaVinci Vaporizer

Once you have decided that burning herbs harms your health too much and start looking for a vaporizer, you probably have felt that vaporizers are either much too bulky or obscure looking. Now, brand new, comes the DaVinci vaporizer. Designed with portability in mind...

Mushroom Cultivation

Since the beginning of times mankind has been collecting wild mushrooms, both for nutritional and spiritual use. For over 2000 years humans have mastered mushroom propagating techniques, like placing colonized trees side to side. It is a fascinating experience to...

Drugstore News

Deutschlands Piratenpartei für Legalisierung Die deutschen Piratenpartei segelt mit derzeit vollen Segeln auf mehr als zehnprozentigen Umfrageergebnissen Richtung Legalisierung - glaubt man ihrem Parteiprogramm. Das Berliner Landesparlament haben sie bereits geentert,...

The Substance

Der Film zum Tropfen oder ein Tropfen ändert alles ‚The Substance – Albert Hofmann's LSD‘ ist ein ganz frischer schweizer Film von Martin Witz über die Substanz LSD und seinem Entdecker, dem Schweizer Chemiker Albert Hofmann. Jenes Lysergsäurediethylamid, welches...


Projects examining roadside drug testing devices aiming at harmonised, EU-wide regulations have long been completed (e.g. ROSITA and DRUID). Initial problems as to failures, failing sensitivity or accuracy criteria, deficits during cold and rainy weather are being...

Dutch shroom legality update

The Dutch Smartproduct Association (VLOS) had an emergency meeting on the 23. of April to discuss a dangerous development in the Dutch parliament, which would affect the legal status of the Magic Mushroom growkits. The political party of Geert Wilders (PVV) proposed...

Greenhouse Seeds


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