Waldfrieden Wonderland

Nordrhein-Westfalen, near Osnabrück
Bergstraße 32, 32351 Stemwede

Waldfrieden Wonderland is an unique summer festival! Takes place at the familiar location of Waldfrieden again.

Festival details

(Info from the organizer)

25th Waldfrieden Wonderland 
In august the gates to Wonderland will open again at a clearing at the Stemwede mountain. For the 25th time we are digging this rabbit hole. Every summer in the middle of the woods in-between trees and mushrooms, caterpillars and centipedes the valley transforms into a fairytale forest where everything is possible. Countless DJs and yogis, artists and shamans will gather to enchant the forest with you. On four dancefloors all types of psychedelic music are played and our open spaces invite for camping on meadows and fields.
(Psy, Prog)
☾ Alice D Joanna ☽ Waldfrieden
☾ Altruism ☽ Nano Records [Brazil]
☾ Anneli ☽ Phantasm Records / Waldfrieden [Sweden]
☾ Azrin ☽ Zenon Records [Australia]
☾ Besnik ☽ Believe Lab
☾ Bootysattva ☽ Looney Moon [Belgium]
☾ Cosmic Playground ☽ Kekwapi Records
☾ Duady Rabbits ☽ Digital Shamans Records
☾ Electric Unniverse ☽ Sacred Technology
☾ Electrypnose ☽ 2to6 Records [Switzerland]
☾ Gaby ☽ Spiral Trax [Slowenia]
☾ Hanabi ☽ Mosaico Records [Japan]
☾ Hatikwa ☽ Xonica Records
☾ Hatta /Grasshopper Records [Japan]
☾ HuGoa ☽ Upwad Records
☾ Jimmy Green ☽ Looney Moon Records
☾ Kimie ☽ Spin Twist Records
☾ Koxbox ☽ Zero1 Music [Denmark]
☾ Kularis ☽ Spin Twist Records
☾ MagicStar ☽ Waldfrieden
☾ Mat Mushroom ☽ Mushroom Magazine
☾ Metaprog ☽ Sun Department Records
☾ Necmi ☽ Idirty Records
☾ Outsiders ☽ Shamanic Tales Records [Israel]
☾ Protonica ☽ Iboga Records
☾ Radical Moodz ☽ Looney Moon [France]
☾ Raoul ☽ Waldfrieden / Blue Hour Sounds
☾ Regan ☽ Nano Records [United Kongdom]
☾ sG4rY ☽ Sangoma Records
☾ Tromo ☽ Sonic Loom Music [Greece]
☾ Trypteroid ☽ Independend
☾ Windreiter ☽ Ecuador
☾ Woobler ☽ Blacklite Records [Switzerland]
☾ Volkiene ☽ Australien

(Psy, Dark Prog, Forest, Hitech)
☾ Axcidus ☽ Blackout Records / Dark Alien Records
☾ Azrael ☽ Quadrivium Records / Funky Freaks Records
☾ Behind Darkness ☽ Blackout Records / Hight BPM Crew
☾ Benjek ☽ Shamanism Records
☾ Biomekanik ☽ Quintessence Records / Cyberbay Records
☾ Dr. Downs ☽ Dänemark
☾ Dr. Fluffy ☽ Fusioncraft Records / Synaptic Eclipse
☾ Fele ☽ Freak Records [Austria]
☾ Fluoelf ☽ Intermind Records [Spain]
☾ Fractaly Noise ☽ Shamanism Records [Brazil]
☾ Iguana ☽ Parvati Records
☾ Jonny Crash ☽ Another Reality / BPM Collectiv
☾ Jorine ☽ Gaggalacka ☽ Occulta Records [Netherlands]
☾ Lucid Deepnes ☽ BPM Collective
☾ Mademoiselle ChaOz ☽ Deviant Force Records
☾ Malum ☽ Shamanism Records
☾ Medical Error ☽ Camacavum
☾ Medical Drop ☽ Camacavum
☾ Naolabz ☽ Atomes Music [France]
☾ Neuronod ☽ Zenon Records [France]
☾ Place Of Error ☽ Camacavum
☾ Rude Girl ☽ DINGer
☾ Shakyyy ☽ Zeakon Records
☾ Synthetic Brain ☽ BPM Collective
☾ ToxoPlasm ☽ BPM Collective
☾ Vibratec ☽ Root Sector Records


Ein Ort mit einer einzigartig natürlichen Energie, ein Haufen detailverliebt-kreativer Waldschrate und ein ganz besonderer Möglichkeitshorizont: Im Festivalsommer ist die Wonderland ein Kapitel für sich.

Die meisten Festivals da draußen entstehen innerhalb weniger Wochen auf einem entlegenen Acker. Beim Waldfrieden Wonderland sieht das anders aus, denn für seine Vorbereitung darf sich ein munterer Haufen Festival-Visionäre deutlich länger und ausführlicher austoben. “Das Gelände ist das ganze Jahr über gemietet, daher hat es eine feste und gute Infrastruktur und viele Festinstallationen, wie Baumhäuser, Podeste, Bänke, insgesamt 8 Theken und noch ganz viel mehr,” fasst die Crew im Gespräch mit dem mushroom zusammen. “Außerdem liegt der Waldfrieden besonders schön in einer Waldlichtung mit Hanglage und es gibt ein festes Gebäude, in dem monatlich eine Indoor Party stattfindet.”

Deshalb fällt die Wonderland schon auf den ersten Blick aus der Reihe: Sie wirkt eher wie ein Piratendorf, eine sattgrün-friedliche Elfen-Version von Mad Max, denn wie ein temporäres Festival. Aufwändige Holzkonstruktionen, versteckte Nischen und Winkel, strategisch platzierte Bepflanzung – alles ist darauf ausgelegt, die perfekte Umgebung für eine immer wieder überraschende Reise zu schaffen. Die Wonderland hat zum ersten Mal 1997 stattgefunden und konnte als eines der ältesten Trance Festivals Europas über lange Zeit wachsen.

Kein Wunder, dass sich die Wonderland als eines der beliebtesten Open Airs des europäischen Sommers behauptet. Allerdings ohne aus den Nähten zu platzen: “Eigentlich ist die Besucherzahl seit einigen Jahren recht konstant. Es kommen meistens um die 7000 Gäste und damit sind wir auch glücklich, denn so bleibt es stressfrei und überschaubar.” Wer den Waldfrieden schon seit ein paar Jahren kennt weiß, dass dieser Ort organisch gewachsen ist wie die umgebende Natur. Dabei gab es viel Sonnenschein, aber auch den einen oder anderen Sturm. Nach der größten Lektion gefragt, die sie im Laufe der Jahre gelernt hat, antwortet die Crew: “Nicht aufzugeben, wenn Behörden, Ämter oder lärmempfindliche Nachbarn einem das Leben schwer machen wollen. Wenn einem Steine, oder auch Felsen in den Weg gelegt werden, zeigt sich oft, dass dadurch ganz neue und auch gute Sachen entstehen können.”

Musikalisch gelingt es der Wonderland, die vielen verschiedenen Richtungen der heutigen Trance Szene harmonisch unter einen Hut zu bringen und dabei immer wieder für Überraschungen zu sorgen. In Sachen Infrastruktur sollte z.B. die Organic Food Area und der gratis Shuttle-Service von den nächsten Bahnhöfen nicht unerwähnt bleiben. Und auch das Rahmenprogramm, wie etwa die immer beliebter gewordene Healing Area oder die vielen Workshops tragen dazu bei, dass man sich an dieses Festival lange erinnert.

Review 2017:

Dieses Jahr wurde das Wonderland Festival auch nach amerikanischen Standards volljährig, das war natürlich ein Grund zum Feiern. Deswegen haben sich mehr als 7500 Gäste nach Stemwede in den Waldfrieden bewegt um den 21sten Geburtstag des Festival, in einer von Deutschlands schönsten Locations gebührend zu feiern.

Nach der traditionellen Eröffnung durch den Spielmannszug, folgte auf dem Mainfloor ein bunt zusammen gemixtes LineUp, das viele großartige Musikern die mgölichkeit gab ihren Sound der begeiterten Crowd zu präsentieren. Das LineUP bestand neben internationalen Acts, wie Rinkadink oder Laughing Buddha und nationalen Größen wie Querox und Patara präsentierte. Die wunderschöne Deko und natürlich die einmalige Location rundeten das ganze ab.

Dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal bei einer Wonderland mit dabei war der neue Dark Floor auf dem neben Dark und Forest auch HighTech und Dark Prog einen Platz gefunden haben, dieser neue Floor zeichnete sich durch ein kreativ zusammengestelltes LineUp aus so spielten dort unter anderem Szenegrößen Antagon, Mirror Me und Dsompa.

Das Wetter spielte das ganze Wochenende mit und so war tanzen in der Sonne ohne Probleme möglich.Die bunten Deko kam somit nicht nur Nachts sondern auch tagsüber voll zur Geltung. Deswegen fuhren die meisten Gäste mit einem lachenden Auge Aufgrund der schönen Erfahrungen und einem weinenden da es bis Hai in den Mai noch 10 Monate sind nach Hause.

Most of the festivals out there are held on a remote piece of land, and there’s only few weeks for the setup. Waldfrieden Wonderland is different, because it allows a group of eager festival visionaries to run free in their creativity for almost an entire year. “We have a lease for the land all year round, that’s why we have a permanent infrastructure and many permanent constructions, like for instance tree houses, platforms, benches, altogether 8 bars and much more,” the crew explains in a chat with mushroom magazine. “Apart from that, this piece of land is located in the middle of a forest on the slopes of a hill, and there’s an actual house where we have monthly indoor parties.” That’s why Wonderland doesn’t really look like a temporary festival, but rather like a pirate village, like some sort of lush and peaceful land-of-the-fairies-version of Mad Max. Impressive wooden constructions, hidden nooks and crannies, strategically placed plants and flowers – everything is designed to create the ultimate environment for an exciting, adventurous journey. Wonderland was held for the first time in 1997, as one of the oldest Trance festivals in Europe it has grown and evolved for quite some years.

It’s no surprise that Wonderland has long established its place among the most popular open airs of the European summer season. However, it’s not getting crowded: “Actually we have quite a stable number of visitors at Wonderland for many years already. Usually there’s around 7000 visitors, and we are happy with that – because we like a stress-free family vibe.” If you’ve been coming to Waldfrieden for quite some time already, you will have noticed that the place grew organically just as the surrounding nature. That said, there has been a lot of sunshine, but also some serious hailstorms. When we asked about the greatest lesson the crew learned over the years of organizing the festival, they responded: “Not to give up if authorities or neighbours who can’t take a bit of noise every now and then give you a hard time. Often you can benefit from rocks being thrown your way, because it gets you out of your comfort zone and makes you discover cool new solutions.”

In terms of music, Wonderland manages to harmonically join all the different directions of today’s Trance scene, and to provide some amazing surprises along the way. In terms of infrastructure we should mention the Organic Food Area and the free shuttle service from the nearby train stations. Also the other program, like e.g. the very popular Healing Area or the great variety of workshops, helps to create a memorable festival experience.

Waldfrieden (2019) – A living piece of Psytrance history

waldfrieden Festival 2019

25 years of Psytrance:

There’s few other places that reflect this history as vividly as Waldfrieden. The party and festival location grew as if it was a piece of the surrounding nature.

Located in the North-West of Germany, Waldfrieden has been an important scene hotspot since the 90s. It’s fascinating to see how the history of this place reflects the evolution of Psytrance as a whole. “The scene grew bigger, that’s why the dancefloors at Waldfrieden got bigger over the years”, says DJoanna, an artist who has been a part of the Waldfrieden crew since her teenage years. “Also, the music got more and more diverse. That’s why we added new floors, like for instance the Hill Top Floor that is dedicated to the darker, faster, more experimental aspects of Goa Trance. Last but not least, there has been a rising interest in workshops and spiritual practice, which finds expression in the Healing Area.” All of this became a part of the unique vibe of Waldfrieden, as if it was the annual rings of a tree. If you want to experience it yourself, Wonderland Festival from 22nd to 25th August this year is an excellent choice.

Waldfrieden Events

Welcome to Waldfrieden Wonderland(2017)

waldfrieden festival 2017
Wonderland @ 24.-27.08.2017
Waldfrieden • Germany

Where ideas make love with possibilities

Most of the festivals out there are held on a remote piece of land, and there’s only few weeks for the setup. Waldfrieden Wonderland is different, because it allows a group of eager festival visionaries to run free in their creativity for almost an entire year. “We have a lease for the land all year round, that’s why we have a permanent infrastructure and many permanent constructions, like for instance tree houses, platforms, benches, altogether 8 bars and much more,” the crew explains in a chat with mushroom magazine. “Apart from that, this piece of land is located in the middle of a forest on the slopes of a hill, and there’s an actual house where we have monthly indoor parties.” That’s why Wonderland doesn’t really look like a temporary festival, but rather like a pirate village, like some sort of lush and peaceful land-of-the-fairies-version of Mad Max. Impressive wooden constructions, hidden nooks and crannies, strategically placed plants and flowers – everything is designed to create the ultimate environment for an exciting, adventurous journey. Wonderland was held for the first time in 1997, as one of the oldest Trance festivals in Europe it has grown and evolved for quite some years.

It’s no surprise that Wonderland has long established its place among the most popular open airs of the European summer season. However, it’s not getting crowded: “Actually we have quite a stable number of visitors at Wonderland for many years already. Usually there’s around 7000 visitors, and we are happy with that – because we like a stress-free family vibe.” If you’ve been coming to Waldfrieden for quite some time already, you will have noticed that the place grew organically just as the surrounding nature. That said, there has been a lot of sunshine, but also some serious hailstorms. When we asked about the greatest lesson the crew learned over the years of organizing the festival, they responded: “Not to give up if authorities or neighbours who can’t take a bit of noise every now and then give you a hard time. Often you can benefit from rocks being thrown your way, because it gets you out of your comfort zone and makes you discover cool new solutions.”

In terms of music, Wonderland manages to harmonically join all the different directions of today’s Trance scene, and to provide some amazing surprises along the way. In terms of infrastructure we should mention the Organic Food Area and the free shuttle service from the nearby train stations. Also the other program, like e.g. the very popular Healing Area or the great variety of workshops, helps to create a memorable festival experience.

Next Waldfrieden Wonderland Festival

Waldfrieden Wonderland Festival 2023 – Germany – 10.08.2023Germany

10.08.2023 - 14.08.2023

Nordrhein-Westfalen, near Osnabrück
Bergstraße 32, 32351 Stemwede

Waldfrieden Wonderland is an unique summer festival! Takes place at the familiar location of Waldfrieden again.

A magical weekend in Wonderland(2017)

This year the Wonderland Festival also became an adult according to American standards, which was of course a reason to celebrate. That’s why more than 7500 guests moved to Stemwede in the Waldfrieden to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the festival in one of Germany’s most beautiful locations.

A perfect Line-Up ensures a perfect tuning

After the traditional opening by the marching band, the mainfloor was followed by a colourful line-up that gave many great musicians the opportunity to present their sound of the enthusiastic crowd. In addition to international acts such as Rinkadink or Laughing Buddha, national stars such as Querox and Patara also provided an unforgettable weekend for the audience. The beautiful decoration by Mimesis Psychedelic Art and of course the unique location rounded off the whole thing.

Hilltop a new Dark Floor

This year for the first time at a Wonderland was the new Dark Floor on which besides Dark and Forest also HighTech and Dark Prog found a place, this new floor was characterized by a creatively composed lineup of such acts as Antagon, Mirror Me and Dsompa. The decoration of Optic Noise Deko did the rest to create a successful festival premiere for the new floor.

Beautiful weather and beautiful people

The weather played along the whole weekend and so it was possible to dance in the sun without any problems, so the colourful decoration came into its own not only at night but also during the day. That’s why most of the guests drove home with a laughing eye due to the amazing experiences and a weeping as there are 10 months left till May, when Hai in den Mai will start.

Wonderland Review 2017:

This year the Wonderland Festival also became an adult according to American standards, which was of course a reason to celebrate. That’s why more than 7500 guests moved to Stemwede in the Waldfrieden to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the festival in one of Germany’s most beautiful locations.

After the traditional opening by the marching band, the mainfloor was followed by a colourful line-up that gave many great musicians the opportunity to present their sound of the enthusiastic crowd. The lineup consisted of international acts like Rinkadink or Laughing Buddha and national stars like Querox and Patara. The beautiful decoration and of course the unique location rounded off the whole thing.
This year for the first time at a Wonderland was the new Dark Floor on which besides Dark and Forest also HighTech and Dark Prog found a place, this new floor was characterized by a creatively composed lineup of such acts as Antagon, Mirror Me and Dsompa.

Wonderland impression
Wonderland 2017 impression by Zero Gravity Pics

The weather played along the whole weekend and so it was possible to dance in the sun without any problems, so the colourful decoration came into its own not only at night but also during the day. That’s why most of the guests drove home with a laughing eye due to the amazing experiences and a weeping as there are 10 months left till May, when Hai in den Mai will start.

Waldfrieden Wonderland (2016)

waldfrieden wonderland


Wonderland 2016

28. – 31.07.2016 – Stemwede-Wehdem, Deutschland

waldfrieden wonderlandWeil 2016 das Jahr der Jubiläen ist, lädt ausnahmsweise nicht der Hutmacher zum Tee: Zwei Dekaden sind vergangen, seit man zum ersten Mal im Kaninchenbau verschwinden und in die zauberhafte Waldfrieden Wonderland Welt eintauchen konnte.

Zum 20-jährigen Fest zaubern die alten Festivalhasen immer noch neues aus dem Hut. Ein Indoor-Floor sorgt für den manchmal doch nötigen Schutz vor Witterungen aller Art, damit selbst einem Regentanz nichts im Wege steht. Für die Psy-Pyro-Manie sorgen sowohl “brandneue” Feuerkünstler als auch ein jubiläumswürdiges gigantisches Feuerwerk. Hat man die Füße auf dem neuen Hi Tech- und (wie passend) Forest-Floor zertanzt, bieten die neu gebauten Baumhäuser stille Zuflucht. Alternativ lässt sich der Wahnsinn des Alltags in der Healing Area durch Möglichkeiten der spirituellen Entwicklung oder Entspannung besänftigen.

Zwischen Blattgrün und feinstem Psytrance bietet dieses der Natur wohlgesonnene, liebevolle Spektakel einiges, was an Alice’s Fantasiereise erinnert. Lediglich bekiffte Raupen bleiben aus, was unsere Vorfreude jedoch in keiner Weise hemmt!

Wonderland 2016

28. – 31.07.2016 – Stemwede-Wehdem, Germany
waldfrieden wonderlandLike in Alice’s dream, Waldfrieden Wonderland lures us in for the 20th anniversary. Its playful world never fails to surprise with the magic of its growing wonders.
As 2016 is the year of anniversaries, it’s not the hatmaker who invites us for tea: Two decades have passed since one could vanish inside the rabbit hole to re-appear at the fantastic world of Waldfrieden Wonderland.

For the 20th anniversary, the old festival rabbits conjure lots of renewals out of the hat.
An indoor floor ensures that, no matter what weather, one can find shelter from it – so there are no objections to a rain dance. Psy-Pyro-Maniacs will be excited to hear these burning news: Both a giant firework as well as brand new fire artists will make you hold your breath while theirs will be filled with flames. Fire-scepticals may flee to the newly-built tree houses, or get their feet burning from something else: The Hi Tech- and (how fitting) Forest Floor helps you to forget everyday madness. If your senses are temporarily overloaded, enjoy the relaxing and spiritually enhancing realms of the Healing Area provided.

Between green leaves and finest Psytrance music, this nature sympathizing spectacle reminds of Alice’s fantasy travel. Only there are no stoned caterpillars, but that doesn’t impede our anticipation at all!

This article appeared first in our printed edition.

Wonderland International Trance Festival (2015)


Wonderland is reputed to having one of the largest outdoor venues for psytrance and is one of Europe’s biggest psy-events located in Stemwede, Wehdem, Germany. The Festival represents the amazing beauty of the natural world. Paying respect to Mother Nature and harmonizing with the earth are the key principles that the festival focuses on.

The 2014 Festival saw an amazing line-up of international and local Artists/DJ’s who kept the party moving non-stop. The deco and visuals were outstanding. There was a beautiful Healing Area at Wonderland offering yoga, shamanic excursions to inner space, reiki massages, and sweat lodges. There was a small but very exclusive shopping area in the valley offering a range of organic foods, clothes, jewelry, etc.
However, the Wonderland International Trance Festival 2015 is gearing up to be bigger than the 2014 edition. The line up is anticipated to be even more impressive. The festival is slotted for 7th August to 9th August, 2015. Trancers from all over the globe are expected to arrive in droves, so get ready to be transported into a magickal new world.

wonderland 2015

Wonderland 18 (2014)

Als die Wonderland vor einer Weile das diesjährige Musikprogramm bekannt gab, waren sich eingefleischte Fans und Neulinge einig: Ganz großes Tennis! Ein Blick aufs Lineup spricht für sich… Aber auch ab davon scheint das Team ordentlich einen draufzusetzen. Und da ihnen der Kernbereich der hügeligen Wald-und-Wiesen Location das ganze Jahr gehört, darf man sich auf wirklich aufwändige Gestaltung freuen. So gibt es z.B. eine Healing Area mit vielfältigem Angebot, Eureka ist mit einem großen Hängematten-Chill vor Ort und dazwischen wurden jede Menge Überraschungen und Extras angekündigt. Die Anreise mit den Öffentlichen wird unterstützt, von den Banhöfen Lemförde und Rahdem fahren Gratis-Busse. Und zwar schon ab Donnerstag, wenn ab 6 die offizielle Warmup-Party steigt.

Wonderland is a well-established name of the European festival summer – however, this year’s program stirs excitement even among year-long fans.

Fri, 22.Aug 14 - Waldfrieden - Wonderland 18 Open Air Festival 2014

When the Waldfrieden Wonderland lineup was published some months ago, year-long fans and newbies agreed: This is special – and it’s gonna be huge! Have a peek at the music program yourself… Apart from a great variety of sound, reaching from deep and driving Psytrance to Progressive in all its shades plus some delicious Techno acts, there is a whole world to explore beyond the dance floor. As the central part of the festival location is owned by the Waldfrieden crew, they have much more possibilities to create a great infrastructure than events that are constructed within a few weeks. For instance, there’s now a beautiful Healing Area at Wonderland which offers yoga, shamanic excursions to inner space, reiki massages, and sweat lodges. Another notable novelty is the hammock Chill Out tent by Eureka where you can experience the laid-back side of Wonderland. The small but very exclusive shopping area in the valley offers a range of organic foods, clothes, jewelry… and even a hairdresser for the most daring party heads! The promoters keep up the good, old ‘fresh fruits for free’ tradition and promised that dressed-up visitors will receive a little present. Apparently it’s all about the details this year: Surprise performances have been announced just like free hot showers for the festival guests.

Wonderland supports arrival via public transport, the closest train stations are Lemförde and Rahden, each connecting to the main travel routes. From Thursday a free shuttle bus will pick you up and bring you to the festival. Early arrival is definitely worth it as the official warm-up party starts at 6PM!


  • Avalon
  • Cyklones
  • Deviant Species
  • DigiCult
  • Ivort
  • Earthspace
  • Hatikwa
  • Klopfgeister
  • Koxbox
  • ManMadeMan
  • Noktamid
  • Polaris
  • Pragmatix
  • Protonica
  • SBK
  • Sensifeel
  • Shayman
  • Synkronic
  • 2012
  • Zeamoon


  • Alice D Joanna
  • Anneli
  • Buddhas Source
  • Cubixx
  • Earthspace
  • Franke
  • Ivort
  • Klopfgeister
  • Le Loup
  • Lufttrockner
  • Magic Star
  • Mitschi
  • Neurologic
  • Otezuka
  • Raoul
  • Sensifeel
  • Templex
  • Zosma


  • Bass-T73
  • Cpt. Morgen & das Ventil
  • Charlie Fraîche
  • D.Kuhl
  • D Lia
  • Flow
  • Gabriel Ananda
  • Herrmann Stöhr
  • Kai Blume
  • Mapusa Mapusa
  • Mrs Lou Konyk
  • Re:Set
  • Sascha Flux
  • SBK
  • Tom Nihil

Deko & Visuals 

  • Clickwork
  • Der Waldbeleuchter
  • Liquid Sky Dimensions
  • Mae & Moa
  • Provisuell


  • Warm-Up Party am Donnerstag ab 18 Uhr
  • Opening by Spielmannszug Wehdem
  • Free Shuttle Bus von Donnerstag bis Montag von Bhf. Lemförde & Bhf. Rahden (Fahrplan wird noch bekannt gegeben.)
  • 2 Outdoor Floors / Psychedelic – Progressive / Alternative – Techno
  • Sound by Tongalerie
  • Backyard Floor durchgängig Samstag Nacht geöffnet
  • Healing Area – Möchtest Du gern mit Deinem Angebot dabei sein? Bewirb Dich jetzt…
  • Indoor Club
  • Eureka Hängematten-Chill Out Zelt
  • Feuerkünstler
  • Seifenblasenkünstler & Workshop
  • Fire Space
  • Market Area
  • Organic Food
  • fresh fruits for free
  • Friseur & Dread Service
  • kostenlose warme Duschen
  • Drug Scout Leipzig
  • originell verkleidete Gäste erhalten eine Überraschung an der Cocktailbar
  • und viele weitere Überraschungen…

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