Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink

Everybody at the big festivals knows Mr. Pink. He is half naked and painted in pink and jumps out the crowd as if he emerged from another dimension.

ErroR 404 Free People – Free Party

ErroR 404 Free People – Free Party

Mit Bollerwagen in der S-Bahn zum Veranstaltungsort Die ErroR 404 Crew startete vor sieben Jahren mit Open Airs, das nötige Equipment wurde mit Bollerwagen...

Look inside the Goabook (Video)

Look inside the Goabook (Video)

This unique book about the trance movement is an anthology of the international and Psytrance generation. It is the first book that describes the scene as a whole. The articles are written by 45 insiders of the international Psytrance scene from five continents. The pictures originate from some of the best photographers globally.

Die Magie von Ozora – mit Raja Ram und Mr. Pink

Die Magie von Ozora – mit Raja Ram und Mr. Pink

Eine fantastische, mitreißende Reise in spirituelle Welten auf dem O.Z.O.R.A. Festival. Eine Geschichte von Mischa Latwesen Neue Besucher auf dem Ozora Festival „Und du bist sicher, wir fallen hier nicht weiter auf unter all diesen Menschen?“, fragte...

Psychedelic Trance Music history

Psychedelic Trance Music history

All you need to know about Psychedelic Trance Music Meet the Goa Book - It's about the Psychedelic Trance Music movement is an anthology of the international Goa and Psytrance generation. It is the first book that describes the scene as a whole. The articles are...



At Waldfrieden events, you will be likely to look like a curious little child that's impressed by its discoveries. The whole location follows a thoughtful concept, therefore offering plenty possibilities to guests. At the same time, the nature-preserving methods...

StereOn, an obituary

StereOn, an obituary

StereOn, an obituary Durch einen tragischen Unfall verliert unsere Szene einen allseits geschätzten Menschen und Künstler. Ein Nachruf auf Steffen, den Bodypainter aus Leidenschaft. Die meisten kannten ihn als StereOn. Mit seiner Kunst hat er viele...

Roberdo asks: Why so serious?

Roberdo asks: Why so serious?

Roberdo fragt sich: Warum so ernst? Vor ein paar Jahren hatten wir im mushroom einen Sommer-Rückblick. Darin kam der deutsche Sommer nicht besonders gut weg – denn er zeigte sich nicht gerade von seiner Schokoladenseite. Es war regnerisch, es war kalt,...

The vegan festival cake with karma

The vegan festival cake with karma

Vegan Festival Cook Martin Svitek aka the “Chief Of Happiness” Aims To Replace Festival Munch Der “Chief Of Happiness” lehrt Liebe und Achtsamkeit statt Festival-Fraß Festivalkoch Martin Svitek zeigt, wieso Ernährung ein Karma-Bumerang unserer Gesundheit...

Dear Internet, Alex Grey has NOT died!

Dear Internet, Alex Grey has NOT died!

The legendary visionary artist Alex Grey, according to a picture making it’s rounds on facebook, has died. It reads: “The web of life, love, suffering and death unites all beings.” and below it says “Alex Grey RIP: 1953-2016. According to a viral...

Pepper Spray Attack At Berlin Psytrance Party

Pepper Spray Attack At Berlin Psytrance Party

A shockingly ruthless attack takes place inside a Berlin club at the Progressive Psytrance party SIGNS, when pepper spray is applied to the club's air system. While the consequences of a changing Berlin society become eminent, the Psytrance scene bravely keeps its...

Conspiracy: Controlled Consumers and the Awakening

Conspiracy: Controlled Consumers and the Awakening

Conspiracy theories run rampant through this grid, and the variations are endless. This documentary created by crackinfilms depicts the underlying mechanics steering the socio-political currents of the world. Conspiracy: The world is awakening Here’s what the makers...

Are you going to Die?

Are you going to Die?

Comet to hit earth in September? Since a couple of months, a special set of rumours regarding a comet that's on a collision course with our very own Gaia, has been creating waves of mild panic around the world. The comet is set to hit sometime in September between...

Greenhouse Seeds


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